We can learn from this!

By: teacherken
Published On: 8/13/2006 12:07:02 PM

Jeffrey Feldman, who lives in NY City, has a terrific diary up at dailykos write now which everyone involved with Webb campaign should read.  Entitled Frameshop: 'Action' or 'What Got Me To CT To Help Out' it describes all the things the Lamont campaign did to make it easier for volunteers to show up and help out.

More below the fold
Some of this is of course directly relevant to the Webb campaign.  The hdqtrs in Arlington are easily accessible, a short walk downhill from the Courthouse stop at Metro, and near that Metro stop are lots of places to eat.

But as we set up regional offices around the state, all of the points Jeffrey lists are things we should be sure are readily available.  Perhaps there will not be easy rail or other public transportation accessibility, but things like parking, the hours the offices are open, the varied things that can be done, can be helpful.

I know that Josh and Mary and the others running volunteer operations out of Arlington are doing a good job.  But it never hurts to offer information which can be helpful.  That's why I stuck this baby on the front page.


Thank you.... (thegools - 8/13/2006 10:19:41 PM)
that is a very good post.  I recommend it to all would be motivators, volunteers, grassroots activists, and the Webb campaign.