100Actions.com: Today and Every Day Until Election Day 2006

By: Tracy Joan
Published On: 8/4/2006 4:51:00 PM

Here is just one example of the web goodies awaiting you at the 100actions.com page-o-fun!

This weekend we kicked-off the 100 days before Election Day 2006. Now we launch 100actions.com.

100actions.com has one goal: to elect Democrats in November.

Each day, a new action will appear that will help make that happen. Some actions may be as simple as writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Others may be things like volunteering for a campaign, organizing people for an event, or mailing postcards with the Democratic agenda printed on them. Whatever the action, meaningful activism through Election Day helps Democrats in every race in the Virginia -- from school board to U.S. Senate.

100actions.com will also provide you with the tools you can use to host and manage your own events, make effective phone calls to your voters, or help spread the word about the Democratic agenda. It also provides a place for you to connect with the Virginia Democratic Party and their Volunteer Coordinator, who will be able to help guide you to where your help is needed most.

Virginia's an Election friendly state - they happen so often!  So it's not a surprise that some of the Virginia campaigns have made the best use of the national organizing tools.  Now, I hope we'll see some of the best bloggers here too.

We've got widgets and images that you can use for your blog or your posts to spread the word about Election Day, 100actions.com and the Democratic Party.

With 95 days and counting, there is no time like the present!  Check it out and let us know what you think we can do to make it better, help empower you futher and win in 2006!
