Fighting "Big Box" development in Albermarle County

By: Rob
Published On: 8/2/2006 9:09:38 PM

Check out this effort in Albermarle to beat back development that doesn't match the areas "neighborhood model." 

From the Piedmont Environmental Counsel:

North Pointe fails to conform to the County+óGé¼Gäós Neighborhood Model. By the developer+óGé¼Gäós own admission, the +óGé¼+ôbig box+óGé¼-¥ retail stores will be built first with a limited amount of new housing in the initial stages. Only a small portion of this project even remotely reflects the Neighborhood Model. Otherwise it is dominated by +óGé¼+ôbig box+óGé¼-¥ stores surrounded by acres of surface parking and suburban-scale residential development.

Across the United States, profitable and innovative urban places are being developed. Sustainability, density and green design are being embraced by communities and consumers. Will we ever see such creativity in Albemarle?

What other development battles are happening around the Commonwealth?


Cville (lwumom - 8/2/2006 9:19:57 PM)
or at least the "born and breds," has always had a decidedly isolationist attitude...I never understood it...they don't want to approve development because Cville will grow TOO MUCH....excuse's already grown.

Yes, C'ville has grown... (Rob - 8/2/2006 9:57:22 PM)
... Rt 29 has exploded and there are other areas that may start down that path as well.  I can understand the concern - overdevelopment could overrun the charm of the city and university area and choke it with corporate largesse and traffic. 

Approved (Waldo Jaquith - 8/2/2006 11:03:40 PM)
North Pointe, despite the planning commissions recommendation that it be declined, was approved by the Albemarle Board of Supervisors this evening.

It's the "e" at the end of "Pointe" that really makes me hate them.

Be a PEC member (kevinceckowski - 8/3/2006 8:20:06 AM)
They do great work and are trying to save the family farm, the land around country homes, small business and super info about conservation easements.

Having property in Madison county, just up the road from Charlottesville, I see the development every weekend while driving down there.  It is truly a scar all the way down on Route 29. What they did in Gainesville is happening all the way south.  They just want to destroy trees, grass, shrubs, etc. for asphalt, asphalt and more asphalt.  The developers see land and say profit.  All the run-off does not perk into the ground any more. Wells are drying up, pollution is increasing, deer are dead on the side of the road for they are running scared.

What to do?  As Gore would say, "Use less gas".  Simple solutions are good.  I would say JOIN PEC today.
(my day off from work)