The infamous John Hart will also be there. I look forward to meeting you and finding common ground. You were a Republican once so can't we all just get along (Rodney King). All kidding aside, the VBA will be there and I'm writing this off. I'd like to meet you and introduce you to my family. Finally, I've had some contact with Josh and the ground forces. The campaign is getting off the ground. I told Josh I want to be on the team but my lack of experience in the democratic party may put me on the bench. I'll be ready to come in (like Sonny Jurgenson) to throw the touchdown pass. See you and go Webb!!! Expect to see some fireworks.
Besides, (a) Homestead is closer; (b) have had several very memorable trips there -- in the years BEFORE I became a teacher - way outside my price range nowadays.
Cheapskate. Just get a room there.