Breaking: Allen votes against stem cell research

By: Rob
Published On: 7/18/2006 6:27:29 PM

Nice track record Allen is building recently, voting against funding increases for Virginia homeland security, first responder communications, and now stem cell research.


Don't forget that Felix voted against a raise in the minimum wage... (Loudoun County Dem - 7/18/2006 7:32:24 PM)
We cannot let the electorate forget this...

Allen placating to his base (Not Huey Long - 7/18/2006 8:12:34 PM)
Obviously, Allen is placating to his base with no regard to the very real health concerns of Virginians. And that's "common-sense Jeffersonian values"? Give me a break. Bottom line...another round of ammo for the Webb campaign.

Warner disagrees with Allen (Ambivalent Mumblings - 7/18/2006 8:41:36 PM)
I think it is worth noting that John Warner, Allen's fellow Republican senator from our beloved Commonwealth did not vote against saving lives through stem cell research.

Bang (seveneasypeaces - 7/18/2006 9:44:01 PM)
Once again Allen does NOT represent the people of Virginia.  He is running for Resident and is catering to the people who never vote for their own best interests.  If they did they wouldn't vote for these republicans who do not carefully represent them.  Is this what Pharm wants?  To keep people sick and dependent. Another bobble moment for Allen.

The list of Allen's mistakes choosing away from the people he promised to represent is GROWING.

Embryonic stem cell research is supported (Tom Joad (Kevin) - 7/19/2006 5:30:43 AM)
by the majority of people in this country and is by far the most promising of all the stem cell research. It's time to send him packing.