
By: kevinceckowski
Published On: 7/13/2006 11:51:25 AM

Things heat up on CapHill. Why won't the military talk to the Senate. We need Jim Webb up there.


Asked repeatedly to engage senators on what should be proper standards for the treatment of detainees, administration witnesses declined to respond. "What we need to address in legislation is the military commission procedures, and court review process," said Steven Bradbury, the Justice Department's witness at a Senate

Judiciary Committee hearing on Hamdan v. Rumsfeld on Tuesday.

Several lawmakers disagreed. "I doubt very much that Congress is going to be disposed to leave these issues to the Department of Defense," said Sen. Arlen Specter (R) of Pennsylvania, who chairs the Senate Judiciary committee.

Responding to witness rebuffs of his proposal for revamping treatment of detainees, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) said: "If you fight that approach, it's going to be a long, hot summer."
