BREAKING: George Allen votes against funding for first responders

By: Rob
Published On: 6/27/2006 11:38:36 AM

Right now, the Senate Judiciary Committee is marking up its telecommunications bill.  George Allen and his fellow Republicans just voted against a Democratic amendment to the bill that would've provided a significant source of funding to first responders (police, firemen, EMT) for internet and communications upgrades.

After the communication problems endured by emergency personnel during 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, it's surprising that Allen would vote against such needed funding for first responders given that he represents a state that has been struck by both terrorists and killer storms.


Ha (Doug in Mount Vernon - 6/27/2006 1:19:47 PM)
George Allen votes against......*fill in worthy legislation here*.....and there you have it.

How can they be (Alicia - 6/27/2006 1:45:00 PM)
so dense?  Many lives have been lost - and they are spitting on the graves of those that would have been helped by ensuring proper funding for 1st responders. 

They don't protect us here at home.  And they are fanning the flames of civil war abroad.  Sick sick.