Zogby: Virginia will be the Ohio and Florida of 2008

By: Corey
Published On: 6/26/2006 10:52:55 AM

Pollster John Zogby vehemently defended his most recent poll results showing incumbent George Allen only 5 points ahead and near the margin error against Democrat Jim Webb in the Virginia Senate race. 

The Daily Press has the story here and Zogby himself wrote a letter to the editor that was published in today's Daily Press.

From the Daily Press article:
"Attack dogs don't attack unless they are scared,'' Zogby said in response to a Daily Press article about the poll,

..."Those comments were over the top,'' Zogby said. "Allen has a race on his hands.''...Zogby noted that Allen recently began airing positive political commercials in some sections of the state, an unusual decision by a well-known incumbent senator and former governor.

From today's letter to the editor

"This poll is a joke. ... Zogby has long ago been discredited." Frankly, I have never heard of Dick Wadhams and I may never hear from him again since he obviously is delusional

Allen may want to consider finding a new campaign manager: one who can read a poll and one who will not alienate the public (or at least a major global polling firm and leading pollster who not only gets elections right but has also called the last two Virginia elections right on the money).

I am on the record suggesting that Virginia will be the new Ohio and Florida in national politics in 2008. Virginia is critical in 2006 for both political parties, hence, it will be best for them to have the best candidates and consultants in the field. Wadhams is obviously not up to the task.

Update:  I corrected the above to read the LTE is published in the Daily Press.  Earlier I said the Wall Street journal.


Thanks, Corey-- (summercat - 6/26/2006 11:10:08 AM)
I saw Zogby's LTTE in the DP this morning--didn't have time to post--so I appreciate how quick you were on this.  Nice to know it got the wider coverage in WSJ also.  Go Zogby!!

Thanks to Wadham (Arturo - 6/26/2006 11:47:06 AM)
Thanks to Wadham's dumb remarks, we get a lot of mileage out of this.

Yes! (Laura86 - 6/26/2006 12:21:49 PM)
Oh to be a key swingstate instead of a deep red state.  Of course we all know Virginia will go for Warner in '08.

Okay. I know Colbert Said this but.. (drmontoya - 6/26/2006 12:29:34 PM)
Zogby said Kerry would win.

So, I don't know if we can trust him.


Talk to your phriends in Ohio (phriendlyjaime - 6/26/2006 1:15:07 PM)
They think Kerry DID win.

::steps back, huge can of worms has been opened::

;) but seriously (Josh - 6/27/2006 12:17:06 AM)
Zogby was right about ohio.