"Bone to the Rich"

By: Lowell
Published On: 6/25/2006 6:23:03 AM

According to today's Washignton Post editorial page, a "bone to the rich" is exactly what repeal of Virginia's estate tax - approved by our brilliant lawmakers in Richmond just a few days ago and now sitting on Gov. Kaine's desk for his signature or (hopefully) veto - would be.  According to the Post:

..we are not aware of any exodus of Virginia millionaires seeking a safe haven in one of the 30 states with no estate tax. Even with this relatively modest levy -- rates start at 10 percent on qualifying estates, according to Americans for Tax Reform, which tracks state-by-state data -- Virginia remains a generally low-tax state that attracts and retains wealthy residents, particularly in Northern Virginia.

Exactly right.  So why sacrifice the annual $140 million that the estate tax ("the single most progressive tax levied by government") earns for Virginia, just to help 871 of the wealthiest Virginia families?  That's $140 million for education, for the environment, and for other important Virginia needs that will be tossed out the window. As the Post writes, repealing the estate tax "sacrifices fairness for the many on the altar of special favors for the few."  Why on earth would we do that?
