More on the Kilgore Whine Strategy: Like Mother, Like Son

By: Kenton
Published On: 6/3/2005 1:00:00 AM

Mama Kilgore, Willie Mae Kilgore, is under fire for an election that reeks of lackadaisical incompetence on the part of the Voter Registrar (that'd be Willie Mae), and is whining that trying to find the truth of the matter is an unfair tactic.

As Jason discussed earlier, it seems like whining runs in the family. Jerry Kilgore's a mama's boy, chip off the old block when it comes to politics. Not to insult mama's boys, but I don't particularly think that a whine strategy is a family tradition you want to emulate.

Jerry Kilgore's best criticism of Tim Kaine's economic plan is that it's "idea theft." What? Instead of crafting something besides a fiscal morass, Kilgore is whining that Tim Kaine cheated off of him!

Seems Kilgore is having a hard time growing up from his schoolboy days, seeing as to how he crafted a decidedly un-funny crank memo and kvetched about an imaginary accent kerfluffle.
