Virginia Centrist: Webb Ahead by 30 Points or More?

By: Lowell
Published On: 6/10/2006 6:51:11 AM

According to Virginia Centrist, he talked to a DSCC (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) staffer last night at a party in DC.  According to Virginia Centrist, the staffer said that Jim Webb was "very very popular amongst Democrats."  Virginia Centrist adds:

I was generally told that the polling data shows a complete blowout for Webb. When I suggested that it would be 65-35, I was told that I was being pessimistic...

In addition, VC reports that the DSCC staffer felt the Miller mailers were "poorly crafted by incompetent staffers" and "totally unconvincing."  The DSCC staffer also commented that the DSCC didn't need to endorse Webb, because "Harris Miller never posed a danger to Jim Webb".

Finally, in very blunt language, the DSCC staffer said that Miller was "an absolutely offensive candidate" in the sense that he should never have even "submit[ted] his name for public office."

Wow.  If this is even 75% accurate, it's terrible news for Harris Miller.


Miller is "an absolutely offensive candidate" (Info_Tech_Guy - 6/10/2006 8:25:56 AM)
I'm so pleased to hear this from someone in the DSCC! Miller has made so many enemies over so many years working against democratic principles that I really must shake my head at the fact that he is even considered a "good Democrat".

Sorry Miller, your money (and the outsourcing lobby's) can't buy you love...

How embarrassing it must be... (Loudoun County Dem - 6/10/2006 10:10:16 AM)
to spend almost $1 million of your own money to find out that the people "just aren't that into you".

Only one poll matters.. (thegools - 6/10/2006 10:13:49 AM)
That is the one on Tuesday, June 13.  Today is June 10.  In other words, "don't count your eggs before they.."

Sure hope so (Craig - 6/10/2006 4:14:43 PM)
Admittedly this is only anecdotal, but I've met quite a few people who were actually turned off by the Miller mailers, and said that after they saw them they made up their minds for Webb.  As one woman told me: "I used to be a Republican.  Miller's implying that I'm not good enough to be in his party.  That's the wrong message."

Also, have to bring up the fact that Miller corwds are always smaller than Webb crowds, when they go someplace at the same time.  I mean I'd have to say that shows something.

But soon we'll find out.