Jan. 3, 2006, Abramoff pleads guilty to conspiracy, mail fraud and tax evasion.
Jan. 9, 2006 , six days later Miller Files Statement of Candidacy for US Senate.
Miller was dirty from the beginning and Mark Warner not only knew about his past, but ENCOURAGED Miller to run. (This is of course what Miller tells everybody.)
To me this reflects poorly on Mark Warner's judgment and his ability to read what national voters will be concerned about in 2008.
With Miller running around calling himself "a Mark Warner Democrat," Warner had better be worried with how the Allen people are going to connect Warner and Miller, like Siamese twins, in any Presidential run-off.
With Harris Miller as the potential face of the Virginia Democratic Senate race a lot of people in Virginia are going to become "collateral damage."
Mark Warner may just become one of them.
Sounds like a 2008 debate talking point to me.
I know this may be unpopular to say, but it needs to be said. Warner's people had better start considering this. HARD.
And to any Miller backers out there: Just what is it that Miller has that Webb hasn't got, besides a ton of money? The guy has no charisma, very few grasroots enthuusiasts, and his past as a lobbyist looks suspicious even if we give him every benefit of the doubt. If you think that money alone can overcome Miller's negatives, I suggest you talk to Michael Huffington.