I've Had It!

By: KathyinBlacksburg
Published On: 5/31/2006 2:31:40 PM

I've had at least four robo-calls (from my caller ID it looks like I got more while away for over a week), one push poll, and in the last 24 hours two mailings full of misleading information against James Webb.  Let's talk about the latest.  "James Webb continues to praise Ronald Reagan's Republican values," claims the one-page (two-sided) brochure.  The brochure tries to give the impression that James Webb supports the Bush agenda. 

Ironically, James Webb has been out in front for several years condemning Bush policy.  Where was Harris Miller?  Oh, yes.  He was rubber stamping the war, wiping out our jobs and offshoring them, eliminating legitimate vote-count auditability, ramping down benefits for American workers and assuring workers of third world countries work in sweat shops.  Is there any Democratic value he won't sell out?  And yet he claims to be the only real Democrat running.

James Webb gets that trickle-down "economics" doesn't work.  Harris Miller has much to learn.  "He's got nothing," as Jon Stewart would say, so his campaign brochures and calls go on the attack.

I voted for Ronald Reagan when he ran for freaking governor (the first time).  I was a new young voter.  (Yes, I am that old.) I was an idiot to do it.  I never voted for a Republican again, except to cross over in one GOP primary (1988).  (I voted Dem in the general election.)  We learn.  Webb learns too (though a careful read of his writings shows he is more thoughtful and more accomplished than Miller could ever be on the issues).  Instead Miller lobs emotional mortars.

We know our leaders by what they have advocated and whether they stood with courage on the right issues at the right time.  When the chips were down, James Webb did. Despite the show, Miller is a poor excuse for a Democrat.  If Harris Miller wins the primary (and if he does it will only be because people believe his vicious deceptions), I will write in James Webb.  Miller doesn't have a prayer, anyway. 

Harris Miller will do nothing for Virginians and Americans and everything for corporations.  So, what's the diff.  We couldn't count on him when the chips were down during the past few years.  We won't be able to count on him in the future.  Harris Miller has presented the divisive (just read the brochures), highly corporatized, campaign that every Democrat should reject.  James Webb, however, well, we should be so lucky to have him for US Senator.

Why are blogs "negative" (I contend they aren't if they expose the misrepresentations about Miller's background)?  Someone has to address the slime being spewed by Miller's very lush campaign.  (Who is paying for all this stuff anyway?)  And the blogs saw through the weaknesses in Miller's resume and record.  We'll expose what he's up to because he came out of the gate nasty and continues dirty.  Enough is enough. 

"Cleaning up the culture of corruptiuon..."? "Taking on big oil?"  Harris Miller? There never was a more corporatized Democrat.  And anyone who believes that crock should take a look at a parcel of "land" in the Atlantic. 


Right on, Kathy! n/t (phriendlyjaime - 5/31/2006 2:37:10 PM)

That's Harris Miller (TurnVirginiaBlue - 5/31/2006 4:00:51 PM)
Craft a lie, architect a spin and shove it down the throats of the American people.

He's done that repeatedly to snow the American people that there is a "IT shortage" or "Outsourcing is good for America" and so on.

I'll say it again (Craig - 5/31/2006 4:55:07 PM)
At one point, 62% of Virginia backed Ronald Reagan.  And I'll bet that at least some of them were self-described Democrats.  Mr. Miller, what do you gain by telling these recent converts that they aren't "real Democrats?"  Even if you get the nomination, what will you have paid to get it?  Allen will dig up those anti-Reagan quotes, and you can kiss any conservative-leaning centrist votes (which you will need to win) goodbye, along with the election itself.

I understand that you want to win, Mr. Miller, but step back, and think about what you're doing, and what you're saying.  This is the same kind of arrogant attitude that pushed people away from the Democrats before.

And for the record sir, yes, I know Webb was a Republican in the 80s.  I was also a little kid who played Transformers and GI Joe the 80s.  A hell of a lot has changed since then.  Some of us are smarter, older, and wiser than we were then.  So stop telling me that Webb used to be a Republican.  I'm aware.  Start telling me why I should vote for you.

FCC complaint? (TurnVirginiaBlue - 5/31/2006 6:14:07 PM)
Is it possible to complain about robo calls?

that personally would drive me nuts, even if I was planning on voting for the one the robo call was promoting.

Just got back from hearing Jim Webb speak in Blacksburg (Doug Garnett-Deakin - 5/31/2006 9:54:53 PM)
He continues to say he will say nothing bad about Harris Miller, only to defend the mailers and robo-calls. What an incredibly inspiring speaker, straight shooter and well read candidate, Mr. Webb is. I come from a family that voted for Reagan and Perot and Clinton over the years. And my whole family, across the spectrum, will vote for Webb. I would just ignore the Miller stuff- it won't matter in two weeks. 

Never thought (Dan - 5/31/2006 10:30:53 PM)
Never thought Harris Miller would sink so low at a time when our country is in such duress.  After all the times I met him, I never thought he could be such a bastard.  I guess that is what happens when you are a multi-millionaire lobbyist, you forget your morals.  I hope he gets 2% of the vote.  At this point, he should just bunk up with Kilgore.