Will Webb Tip the US Senate to the Democrats?

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/22/2006 5:56:40 AM

Over at the conservative magazine, The American Spectator, the worries over George Allen's Senate seat appear to be growing fast:

As it stands, Republicans appear to be looking at minimum at a wash in terms of holding the majority in the Senate. That's because of a failure on the part of the NRSC to find truly viable statewide candidates in Florida, a serious challenge to Sen. Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania and growing unease among some Republicans in the Virginia Senate race, where Sen. George Allen was thought to have an easy go at it, only to run into a possible challenge against former Navy Secretary James Webb, who served in that post during the Reagan Administration.

Note that conservative concerns about Allen involve one scenario and one scenario ONLY:  Jim Webb is the Democratic nominee.  Also note that there's no mention of Webb's Democratic opponent here.  Could this be why you frequently see right-wingers here in Virginia talking up Harris Miller and talking down Jim Webb in increasingly shrill, bizarre, almost hysterical tones?  Gee, I wonder if Allen supporters could possibly be AFRAID of Jim Webb?  Just a thought...


Jewbaiting? Oh, please. (summercat - 5/22/2006 9:27:49 AM)
This is utterly ridiculous.  We need to do GOTV calls to Dems to let them know that Allen in pushing for Miller.

I agree. It's so obvious these people want Miller... (Lowell - 5/22/2006 10:32:45 AM)
they should just go ahead and form a group, "Allen Supporters for Harris Miller."  More importantly, what does it say to Democrats who support Harris Miller that a bunch of Allen supporters are pushing the hardest of anyone for Miller?  Think about it, folks.

The Nader factor (thegools - 5/22/2006 10:48:52 AM)
What we can assume is also occuring is the "Nader factor." That is GOP/Allen supporter $$ going to Miller.

  It would be interesting to see the donor lists for the Candidates and compare their gifts to other giving.