Three Upcoming Webb Events

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/11/2006 6:58:49 AM

There are three Webb events in the next three days you might be interested in attending.

1) Tonight is the big Mark Warner fundraiser for Jim Webb.  It's at "Top of the Town" in Rosslyn (1400 N. 14th Street).  The VIP Reception ($2,100 donation) is from 7:30 to 8:30 PM, and the General Reception ($500 or $1,000) is from 8:30 to 9:30 PM.  If you're interested in this event, please contact Jason Korta at or (703) 778-4080 x213.

2) Tomorrow (Friday) evening, there will be a party - food and drinks served - for volunteers, plus "campaign and grassroots staff" at Webb for Senate HQ. If you haven't been to HQ before, it's at 1916 Wilson Blvd in Arlington, about 3 blocks east of Court House Metro. Parking is available as well, but limited.  For information, please e-mail The party is free, of course.

3) This Saturday, Webb supporters will be marching in Arlington's Neighborhood Day parade.  The parade starts around 1 pm in Clarendon (at corner
of N. Hudson and N. 13th Sts, a block back from Wilson Blvd. and right next to Clarendon Metro). If you're interested, you can e-mail Betty Parrott at or me at  Or, just show up around 12:30 -12:45.  If you want to help pick up signs and other supplies, please come to Webb Campaign HQ at Noon.  After the parade, there will be a pot luck picnic for parade participants at the home of Larry Roberts.


since many of us can't even afford $500 (teacherken - 5/11/2006 7:40:45 AM)
(which includes me since I haven't won the lottery recently) the open house at campaign headquarters is a wonderful idea.

I only wish that a bit more notice had been given.  I received an email late last night (Wednesday) which was the first I heard of it.  As a small comment, most of us plan more than 2 days ahead.  As a result, I will have something of a conflict, although I do hope I can get there before it ends.

I realize that campaign have to try to be flexible.  And the 3-hour window for dropping in does provide a certain amount of flexibility. 

I am unfortunately reminded a bit of the time when a group os us who are educational bloggers were invited to participate in a conference call with a politician of some major significance  -  at 11:30 in the morning, when most of us are at school. 

It is best the one not trip over one's own shoelaces when trying to do outreach to the grassroots.

This is NOT a major complaint, merely a suggestion that those planning things like this  -- for this campaign or for future campaigns  -- try to keep in mind the realities of life for the people whom they are trying to reach.

Thanks Ken, excellent point (Lowell - 5/11/2006 7:53:27 AM)

Yeah, I agree Ken. (phriendlyjaime - 5/11/2006 9:23:08 AM)
I am not complaining at all, I got to meet Jim a few times, and I don't need a party as a thank you bc I just love doing this.  But, my sister and her fiance are in town this weekend, and they are not into VA politics (or any politics-assholes).

Anyway, everyone have fun, and tell Jim the hippie and her man said hey!!!!