Banning Assault Rifles in Virginia???

By: doctormatt06
Published On: 5/10/2006 12:11:36 PM

I think its time that we Virginians be serious about gun control.  Its a word a lot of democrats here in the Old Dominion don't like to discuss because they are afraid of alienating rural voters.  But I'm sorry. After watching the news and seeing in my backyard that a police officer who is paid to protect me (not literally but figuratively) was gunned down by a mentally unstable guy with TWO AK-47 Assault Rifles.  I'm sick of the posturing.  I want a ban on assault rifles in the state of Virginia.  And I think there are many who agree with me.

Jump with me won't you...
I have 5 main reason for wanting this:
1.  Hunters don't need AK-47's to hunt, if you use an AK-47 to hunt, you aren't hunting, you're just shooting til one of the bullets actually hits something.  Cammon...the hunting excuse is utter bullshit.  No real hunter uses assault rifles to hunt with.  My grandpa never did, and he hunted all his life. 

2.  Do we really want to have to worry about crazies with high-powered rifles.  We've had the D.C. Sniper with a high-powered sniper rifle, and this guy with two AK-47's, do we need more killings for this to get blasted into our heads?

3.  This issue has already been won in the NATIONAL Congress, and if we play our cards right, we can make this an election issue that would backfire in the subuarban districts with Republican Incumbents.

4.  Let's see Republicans try to explain why anybody REALLY needs an AK-47 in their home.  Protection?  Hell you'd prolly kill half your family by firing the damn thing in your home if you didn't know what you were doing and were startled by a burglar.

5.  Its time for the Democrats to stop ignoring this issue, this is something voters care about, when they hear about crazy people with guns they get scared.  Republicans in Virginia will say, "Well you should arm yourself to protect you from that."  Democrats, on the other hand, here in Virginia  are saying, "Yeah...what they said."

Let's make our state safer...let's get rid of these assault guns before they get rid of us.


So what is your opinion? (doctormatt06 - 5/10/2006 12:31:28 PM)
Is it feasible?

I think so...

The "assault weapons ban" was very popular (Lowell - 5/10/2006 1:08:13 PM)
among the American people.  Why was it ever allowed to expire?  Hmmmm....I wonder. (hint:  $$$$$$$$$$)

But isn't Virginia a good testing ground... (doctormatt06 - 5/10/2006 1:51:35 PM)
To push for it again...

We're a three-way divided state..

We have the suburbs of the north

The cities of the middle and southeast

and the rural and mountain areas of the west and south

We're an even split in population among the three demographics...

So if we push for it, it would be interesting to see what would happen

doctormatt (Kathy Gerber - 5/12/2006 1:19:12 PM)
I'm in one of those rural areas.  Many people out here vote straight guns.  2nd amendment rights are the canary in the coalmine for them and any attempt to control guns in any way is the beginning of a slippery slope.

Maybe a good analogy would be flag burning.  I have no plans to burn a flag, and think it's a little nutso, but I don't believe in abridging the right to do so.

I haven't followed the story, but I do wonder how that young man got his hands on such a gun.  When I moved here the squirrels had a habit of eating porch pillars.  I tried to trap them and so on, but ended up buying a 22 rifle.  The process was very annoying. 

Now, having said all that I agree with you.  I can't imagine why someone would need such guns.  And furthermore, I agree with Wilder's 1-gun-a-month law.  But many people do not.