Farewell to a Virginia Belle

By: Rob
Published On: 5/8/2006 11:19:04 PM

VirginiaBelle, one of my favorite bloggers in any state, has a good news/bad news announcement.  The good news is that she's taking her wit and intellect into the battle against one of the GOP's must vulnerable incumbents. 

I am moving to Montana to work for the Montana Democratic Party on the Coordinated Campaign to defeat Conrad Burns. . . .

The bad news?

As such, I will be out-of-state for the rest of the campaign, and my ability to make political commentary is a bit dubious. I'm talking with Montana about allowing me to continue covering the Virginia race under the explicit understanding that it does not reflect the MDP, the DSCC, or any campaign, etc. etc., but I'm not yet sure how that will turn out. In any case, there will inevitably be at least a reduced role, and I wanted to give my readers here a head's up before I wrote something on DKos as a more formal farewell address. I leave later this week.

Good luck in Montana, VirginiaBelle. Please stop by Raising Kaine any time - and I hope you keep on bloggin' about your old Commonwealth throughout 2006.


That's great for Virginia Belle... (Lowell - 5/8/2006 11:44:23 PM)
but a loss to the Virginia blogosphere.  Virginia Belle is one of the best writers around, and she will definitely be missed!

We'll miss her (DanG - 5/9/2006 1:16:18 AM)
But it would be awesome if VB could stop by every once in a while and let us know how things are going in Montana.