George Allen Dragged His Sister Upstairs By Her Hair...
By: Lowell
Published On: 4/27/2006 3:56:41 PM
...and threw his brother Bruce "through a sliding glass door"
...and broke his brother Gregory's collarbone
...and "slam[med] a pool cue into [his sister's] new boyfriend's head"
...and had his sister later write a memoir, Fifth Quarter, in which she said that "George hoped someday to become a dentist...George said he saw dentistry as a perfect profession--getting paid to make people suffer."
...and spray-painted "die whitey" and other "racially tinged" graffiti on the walls of Palos Verde High School
...and "drove around with a Confederate flag on his Mustang"
...and "plastered the school with Confederate flags"
...and was one of only 27 Virginia House of Delegates members in 1984 who voted against a state holiday commemorating Martin Luther King Jr.
...and "co-sponsored a resolution expressing 'regret and sorrow upon the loss' of William Munford Tuck, a politician who opposed every piece of civil rights legislation while in Congress during the 1950s and 1960s and promised 'massive resistance' to the Supreme Court's 1954 decision banning segregation."
...and on and on we go. For the entire New Republic article ("Hee Haw for President") by Ryan Lizza, click here
I would say "enjoy," but there's nothing enjoyable about this. Just disturbing. This guy's a U.S. SENATOR?!? WTF?!?
{UPDATE: Coverage on the blogs at Brendan Nyhan, Digby, The American Prospect blog, The Carpetbagger Report, Howling Latina, the San Diego Union-Tribune blog, and many more.]
God, I hate him. (phriendlyjaime - 4/27/2006 3:59:57 PM)
and I know, it is a strong word. But he is strongly disgusting.
Ugggh (Nichole - 4/27/2006 7:31:56 PM)
Me too. And he is disturbing!
Wow! I'm stunned! (Josh - 4/27/2006 4:06:02 PM)
Republicans want to put this guy's finger on THE BUTTON!?
Not on my watch!
Fits right in with the current sociopaths (Rebecca - 4/27/2006 4:47:17 PM)
He seems, well, -SICK. He seems to enjoy pushing people around and being a bully. He's fighting on two fronts in November. Let's hope he loses on both.
Farmville (DukieDem - 4/27/2006 4:55:56 PM)
Reading the article it says that he's going to Farmville for a racial reconciliation hearing. I grew up in Farmville and for those of you who don't know, Prince Edward County shut down their school for five years in the 50's rather than integrate. That fact still impacts that community today, because a generation of blacks had their education denied to them.
I pray this isn't the first time he's visited Farmville other than to chum it up with the boys at Hampden-Sydney, but I expect it is.
Two words... (Laura86 - 4/27/2006 4:57:31 PM)
Crazy mofo.
Be A DENTIST! (Josh - 4/27/2006 4:59:16 PM)
Watch this
"Little Shop of Horrors" (Lowell - 4/27/2006 5:09:17 PM)
That's George Allen's world, without the humorous aspects.
We need to get into the political ad business (Rebecca - 4/27/2006 8:30:04 PM)
If we were in this business here's what I'd do. I'd ask Greg Bouchillon to take the theme of "Little Shop of Horrors" and make a political ad about Allen. It would be funny and witty and it would get the message across.
Or the theme could be "What happens to mean kids when they grow up? -They become George Allen!" Then the ad would show a kid beating up on his brother, dragging his sister around by the hair, and doing all kinds of other anti-social things. It could show him putting up Confederate flags all over his neighborhood. Boy, would that get the message across, much better than just reinterating what Allen has done.
Any comments?
George Allen Theme Song: Dentist (Josh - 4/27/2006 5:03:01 PM)
Too Perfect!
change of nickname (uva08 - 4/27/2006 5:23:30 PM)
I think we should now alternate nick names for George Allen. .... Between George "California Cowboy" Allen and George "KKK" Allen he did name his son forest after the founder of the KKK after all.
How about throwing in... (KCinDC - 4/27/2006 5:28:33 PM)
George "Psycho" Allen while we're at it?
Lies... (JasonK - 4/27/2006 7:09:44 PM)
I'm sorry, but just because someone said the Forrest bit anonymously on NLS doesn't make it a fact. A minor bit of research would inform you that Forrest is George Allen's DAUGHTER. So quit spreading made up crap and try and focus on the facts.
HAHAHA (Virginia Centrist - 4/27/2006 7:30:23 PM)
It's really funny that people believed that. It was a joke.
Confederate flag (KCinDC - 4/27/2006 5:26:33 PM)
Something to remember in interpreting those Confederate flags. Allen was in
California at the time. If he'd been in Virginia or North Carolina I might be inclined to cut him a little slack on that score, but in California there's no excuse.
Digby (Josh - 4/27/2006 5:40:07 PM)
Digby has an involved exploration of the piece:
Portrait of the Racist as a Young Man.
It's hard to believe that they can't find a southern Republican who isn't a sadistic idiot to run for president, but I'm beginning to think that's the real problem. Guys like Bush and Allen are the best they can do. Clearly, all the smart southerners are Democrats.
*shudder* (Luna - 4/27/2006 5:59:23 PM)
God, this guy scares me.
I've known about the confederate flag waving, and how he used to keep a noose in the governor's office. But I had no idea he'd been abusive to his siblings.
Hmm.... (Nichole - 4/27/2006 7:36:24 PM)
What else is there to say?
I have always known that there were numerous things that were off about him.
I love his REASONS for people saying these "negative" things.
He can't REMEMBER if he wore the pin? He can't REMEMBER if he has the confed. flag on his car?
How could ANYONE vote for him and face themselves the next morning.
Other News (DukieDem - 4/27/2006 8:03:09 PM)
As much as I love digging on Allen, any report from Webb's events today? I think he had four, any news how they went?
Webb: Day #3 of Take Back Virginia (Lowell - 4/27/2006 8:39:15 PM)
According to the
Webb for Senate blog:
Jim had a great stop in Staunton today. We met about 15 supporters for a lunch at Wright's Dairy Rite, a local institution proudly serving Staunton since 1952 (if you go, have a dipped cone or a malt!). Jim joined his supporters on the outdoor patio and spoke on many topics answering questions and telling stories from his life as a journalist, Marine, Congressional counsel and now as a candidate.
The local media turned out in force, with reporters from all local papers and the Charlottesville NBC affiliate, NBC29. The NBC29 report is available here. Please check it out and thank NBC29 for their coverage.
I also hear that there were 150 people in Roanoke, and 65 in C'ville. More later...
65 in Charlottesville? (JC - 4/27/2006 8:43:07 PM)
That would be a 13-to-1 spread between Webb's supporters and Miller's. Miller, you may recall, turned out a grand total of 5 supporters in C'ville last week.
Yes, that's the word. Also, check out this pic. (Lowell - 4/27/2006 9:45:51 PM)
From F'burg yesterday, where it sounds like people are rallying behind Jim (with the exception of a few diehard Miller supporters who apparently like to lose elections to Republicans all the time - no thanks!!)

Low budget ad about Allen (Rebecca - 4/27/2006 8:32:11 PM)
A picture of a kid hitting another smaller kid and a caption "Would you want kittle George Allen to represent you when he grows up?"
Really Scary (AnonymousIsAWoman - 4/27/2006 9:15:21 PM)
This guy is much worse than I thought. Should they even allow him out without a medical attendant equipped with some drug to control his behavior?
Allen is fake and probably a racist, but lets start with the first (Kip - 4/27/2006 9:40:38 PM)
Lowell, you found some great quotes from the Ryan Lizza article, but there is a another concern too. Allen did not grow up in the South, but rather adapted late to the image.
While Allen's view on race is certainly alarming I am not sure it will be the most fruitful line of attack at least in the beginning. Instead let us launch a frontal assualt on Allen's well crafted "authentic and folksy" character. After reading Lizza it is clear Allen is neither. If he wants to make this race about character I am all for. Rev up those swift boats.
Bush was able to pull the wool over the media eyes six years ago. That cannot happen again. Good ole southern boy is just another rich phony.
For a related view more on this check out the TPMcafe at
Allen was on Hardball (SRS - 4/27/2006 9:47:51 PM)
discussing Tony Snow and saying how Snow has his finger on the pulse of America since he's on talk radio. Riiiight.
Crooks and Liars has a copy of the video.
Kip's Point (PM - 4/28/2006 8:12:31 AM)
Kip had a good point. I can excuse someone who was hard wired as a kid to be racist because, e.g., he had grown up in the South and his parents were that way. But by the time you're in college you should be shedding those juvenile views.
Allen seems to have gone out of his way to espouse hate-filled views; from the total story it seems like he had (and has)lots of anger issues. I think his tobacco spitting is another sign of it. I would wager he deliberately aimed his spit at the feet of that young woman in the story.