Look, I'm all for Freedom of Speech. I understand the reasoning here, but a riot is a riot is a riot, and no matter what the cause of it is, it's never okay.
That being said, I think that this is completely insensitive, and absolutely ridiculous.
The link above is to a post on the Offical Blog of the College Republican Federation of Virginia. The title of this post is "Still Funny." Still funny? I never found the situation with the Danish cartoons funny to begin with. I never find any situation where somebody feels it is necessary to firebomb an embassy and light my flag on fire as "amusing" in the slightest.
Look, I can understand if you were posting this to stand up an defend the First Amendment. But we know this isn't the reasoning behind the post, as it seems that most Republicans these days only support the Freedom of Speech when it benefits them. And I could even understand if you really found the cartoon funny...but it just isn't. Really, it isn't even that clever.
You know, there ARE Muslims in the United States. And while they may not riot and burn flags, there's definitely a chance that they may be offended. They're Americans too, guys. These are the people who have expressed that the cartoons offend them in a peaceful, civil way. By posting the cartoons, and laughing about them, you are basically giving an entire culture within the United States the finger.
I don't know, I may be wrong here, but I think that this post is kind of rude. We know there are Muslims, even here in the United States, who are offended by it. Would the College Republicans like it if I posted a cartoon that made fun of Jesus? No, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't. Neither would I. And since I wouldn't appreciate somebody promoting or distributing a cartoon making fun of my religious beliefs, I choose to practice what I preach and try make myself a good example. All I'm saying is that maybe the people over at the CRFV Blog need to remember the Golden rule: "Do unto others as you'd have done unto you."
They can keep looking at that lame-ass cartoon, but it's much more fun to find out what you have in common with your friends - Muslim and otherwise - and just do it! (That's me in the red.)