AFL-CIO: Harris Miller is "anti-labor, anti-worker"

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/13/2006 6:35:40 AM

The following letter is by Michael Gildea,  Executive Director of the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO.  It was first published on the anti-outsourcing blog "The Modern Patriot."  Two killer sentences are thes: 1) "Needless to say Miller is truly one of the bad guys"; and 2) "Miller+óGé¼Gäós anti-labor, anti-worker activities and find him unfit for any kind of labor support."  Ouch!

For the entire letter from Gildea to the Virginia AFL-CIO in Richmond, click here or continue reading after the "flip."  If you're a Miller supporter, though, I warn you, this letter is very, very harsh.

February 6, 2006

Doris Crouse-Mays
Virginia AFL-CIO
5400 Glenside Dr.
Suite E
Richmond VA, 23228

Dear Doris,

Sincerest congratulations on your elevation to the new leadership position at the Virginia State AFL-CIO. If ever the Department for Professional Employees DPE) can be of assistance, please don+óGé¼Gäót hesitate to call on us.

As a follow-up to our recent conversation, we wanted to provide you with some more details about an announced Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate from Virginia+óGé¼GÇ¥Harris Miller.

Over the last decade DPE has frequently encountered Mr. Miller+óGé¼GÇ¥in his former capacity as President and CEO of the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA)+óGé¼GÇ¥ leading the charge against us, the AFL-CIO and many of our affiliated unions on many, many legislative issues.

For your information, I have attached a brief outline of what we could find out from a cursory review of available information. I+óGé¼Gäóm sure that there+óGé¼Gäós probably a lot more out there, but the specifics we have uncovered thus far should be sufficient.

On the issue of the Bush Overtime regulations, we could not specifically find information relative to the ITAA+óGé¼Gäós position. Documentation is made nearly impossible since the U.S. Department of Labor doesn+óGé¼Gäót provide an index to the organizations that filed public comments during that phase of the rulemaking process. It is hard to imagine however, that+óGé¼GÇ¥given the ITAA+óGé¼Gäós proclivities regarding other worker-related matters+óGé¼GÇ¥that the organization sat this fight out when in fact the final rules exempted an even greater number of IT professionals that had been excluded previously.

Finally, as to his views on unions, the appended article from the 6/4/01 edition of Network World says it all. Entitled +óGé¼+ôIT workers don+óGé¼Gäót need to unionize+óGé¼-¥, Miller launches into a typical anti-union screed replete with references to union bosses, attacks on seniority systems, and snide references to collective bargaining agreements and job security. He concludes his rant against unionization of tech workers with the following quote:

Unions have their place. But for today's high-tech workers, union membership would minimize job flexibility, reduce the ability to negotiate wages and stifle the creativity that has made the U.S. IT industry the world leader. High-tech workers have consistently rejected efforts to organize them and will continue to frown upon unions as a useful or desirable move.

Needless to say Miller is truly one of the bad guys. Over and over again on core issues like trade, immigration, overtime protections and privatization of federal jobs, he+óGé¼Gäós not only been on the wrong side, he+óGé¼Gäós been galvanizing corporate efforts against us.

As the state AFL-CIO and the labor councils throughout the state embark on their candidate assessment process, I hope they will take into consideration Miller+óGé¼Gäós anti-labor, anti-worker activities and find him unfit for any kind of labor support.

Feel free to give this letter the widest possible circulation throughout the labor movement in the Commonwealth.

In closing, please also extend my best wishes to Brother Jim for a long and successful tenure as the new President of the Virginia AFL-CIO.

In solidarity,

Michael W. Gildea
Executive Director

1025 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Suite 1030
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 638-0320
Fax: (202) 628-4379

By the way, if you want even MORE on Harris Miller as an "anti-worker hired gun," click here for an AFL-CIO factsheet, covering Miller and labor law, outsourcing of U.S. jobs, privatization of federal jobs, etc. 

[UPDATEMichael Shear of the Washington Post weighs in on this story.]


That's rough stuff there (DemTilDeath - 4/13/2006 7:26:27 AM)
I wonder if anyone has sent a forwarded a copy of this to Mark Warner or Tim Kaine's people?

Good point... (Lowell - 4/13/2006 8:07:18 AM)
I agree, Warner and Kaine need to see this.  If you want to inform Mark Warner, click here.  For Tim Kaine, click here.

Oh dear! (Ingrid - 4/13/2006 7:57:51 AM)
Can't run and hide now...

For starters... (Kathy Gerber - 4/13/2006 9:16:59 AM)
These folks also need to have both the letter AND the fact sheet.

House Democratic Caucus Members

Senate Democratic Caucus Members

Local Democratic Committee Chairs

The nail in the coffin? (Rebecca - 4/13/2006 10:23:57 AM)
Could this be the final blow to the Miller campaign? Its hard to get around this sort of thing. Affirmative action won't whitewash this. Anti-worker is a big indictment.

I'd have to agree (DemTilDeath - 4/13/2006 11:13:11 AM)
One inflammatory comment taken out of context about Affirmative Action pales in comparison to the truth about how Harris Miller has spent the last 20+ years of his life working to support the interests of the elite over the interests of the middle class and poor.  Will it be the nail in the coffin?  I guess we'll see.

The nail (Arturo - 4/13/2006 11:14:27 AM)
Rebecca: What affirmative action? Miller has caused minorities, women and older Americans to lose our IT jobs. He doesn't give a damn about affirmative action.

Conaway Haskins is very comfortable (Lowell - 4/13/2006 11:16:29 AM)
with Webb on Affirmative Action.  That's enough for me.

Miller mouths affirmative action (Rebecca - 4/13/2006 11:29:06 AM)
Miller likes to say he supports affirmative action. I get sarcastic about this and say "Affirmative action for cheap labor from overseas."

Miller seems to support equal opportunity to be unemployed. In my opinion he is a faux Democrat.

And call center jobs (Kathy Gerber - 4/13/2006 12:46:55 PM)
There are many of them, they don't require as extensive training and they can also help entire communities.

There could possibly be another nail.  If I get a bad grade in my class because I haven't been studying every night, then I'll hold Harris Miller personally responsible and the gloves will have to come off.

Another nail (Arturo - 4/13/2006 1:51:01 PM)
Kathy: Please study, don't fail. We need people like you to fight wackos like Miller!

I'm not hammering any more nails (DanG - 4/13/2006 3:11:23 PM)
I thought the Miller campaign was over after Webb won the Fairfax Straw-Poll.  I was wrong.  It just meant Miller was going to go negative and reveal what a slimeball he truly is.  Cornering Harris Miller is like cornering a wild weasel.  Eventually, it will lash out at you, and put everyone, even itself, in danger in the process.

Harris the Weasel...I like it. 

Miller Deserves This and More (Alicia - 4/13/2006 12:03:41 PM)
Miller has "earned" every single condemnation against him through his lies, manipulations and by turning his back on Americans in favor of his bank account.
We need the slimeballs out of Washington, we don't need to send more there.

Outsourcing is Affirmative Action for Rich People (Info_Tech_Guy - 4/13/2006 12:53:26 PM)
It's a form of government transfer payment -- a redistribution of wealth and political influence from the shrinking middle class to the wealthiest investors and business leaders. It's a form of economic policy rooted in deliberate political decisions -- not the unseen hand of the free market as some would have us believe. Since the implementation of NAFTA we have been under a propaganda bombardment to accept the policies of people like Miller as just a "new way of doing business". Miller is part of the same clique responsible for the loss of our industrial base too. It isn't just about software engineering/tech jobs. It's about our ability to sustain a middle class society with opportunity for everyone.

I must ask what the purpose of affirmative action is if the jobs base has deterriorated so badly? What will people compete for? Isn't it a bit odd for Miller to talk about affirmative action while destroying employment opportunity generally for all Americans? What "opportunities" is he creating in the wider economy for African-Americans who are struggling to find and hold middle class jobs? Affirmative action under these circumstances is nearly meaningless in terms of real employment opportunites anywhere outside of government jobs. The best middle class jobs are gone or going fast because of Miller and his allies in the outsourcing lobby. They are the enemy of all who strive for a middle class existence.

Harris Miller's "American Dream" was gained at the cost of millions of other Americans' dreams.

Harris Miller's wealth is the result of years spent stabbing the American middle class in the back in politics.

Yell this from the rooftops (Rebecca - 4/13/2006 1:43:56 PM)
I wish we could raise a huge chorus on this topic. We must stop the assault on the middle class. This will probably require some new laws and some new trade restrictions targeted at the trade in jobs. This tide must be reverse or we will indeed become just another third world country.

Contact your Delegate or Senator today (Lowell - 4/13/2006 2:14:11 PM)
and let them know how you feel.  See here and here