Kentucky College Expels Gay Student

By: Greg Bouchillon
Published On: 4/12/2006 5:44:17 PM

If you're a religious college, you have the right to hold a standard to your students that is consistent with your religious beliefs. However, if you take public money or you participate in the Federal Student Aid and Loan program, you should not have the right to discriminate.

I have to check, but schools like BYU, who have such a code (where you can be expelled for masturbating or being gay) don't get state or federal money. If I'm wrong, they shouldn't.

One KY legislator agrees:

"We should not be budgeting bigotry," Sen. Ernesto Scorsone, D-Lexington, told colleagues before voting on the $18.1 billion, two-year budget. Scorsone is the only openly gay member of the General Assembly.

Then there's this quote that is dripping with homophobia:

Republican Senate President David Williams of Burkesville, who pushed for the funding, said he didn't know the facts of the specific case involving the student, so he didn't know whether it could affect funding for the school.

"I understand that Senator Scorsone is very sensitive to gay issues since he is the only openly gay senator in Kentucky," Williams said.

Yep, only the fag wants to take away they're money. I'm waiting to see a response from the Webb/Miller campaigns on this issue.


Sex police (Josh - 4/12/2006 7:38:39 PM)
once the sex police show up, can the thought police be far bheind?

What amazes me is how screwed up some people are in their so called "Christianity".

Grace is very simple:  LOVE GOD.

It's not Justice.  It's not you get what you deserve.  It's not I hate you because you're different.  It's, there's no reason to believe this, take it on faith and LOVE GOD.  The end.

God cannot love you any less, no matter what you do, but God can redeem you.  When did God abdicate the responsibility for judgement and give it to these so-called Christians?


p.s. jinks, you owe me a coke.  ;)

Actually, you beat me (Greg Bouchillon - 4/12/2006 9:56:04 PM)
to it. You must have posted right as I was doing it.

And according to the DitzyDems, God loves Harris Miller, Kim Webb, Ben, Lowell, Me...but not you. :)

Sorry to have to be the one to break this to you. Now please leave Virginia.

I'm not gay (Josh - 4/13/2006 6:28:19 AM)
you can't expell me.

My new push poll is asking (Greg Bouchillon - 4/13/2006 12:28:30 PM)
Would you vote to expel Josh from Virginia is you knew he was gay and mothered an illegal alien?