This was in the Alexandria Times:
For Webb, Miller is the Washington insider, while he+óGé¼Gäós the outsider. He notes that when he left the Navy secretary+óGé¼Gäós post, he asked to have his name removed from the Green Book social register.
+óGé¼+ôI have no desire in my life to go to those parties,+óGé¼-¥ he said. +óGé¼+ôI am not of Washington at all. I understand it, I know it but I am not of it.+óGé¼-¥
You have to ask yourself, is what+óGé¼Gäós good for Washington Politicians always the same as what+óGé¼Gäós good for Virginia? Judging by the state of the Congress right now, I+óGé¼Gäód say the answer would be a resounding +óGé¼+ôHell no.+óGé¼-¥ The way I see it, we vote for somebody who hasn+óGé¼Gäót been corrupted by Washington yet. Because once Washington gets a hold of you, it no longer becomes about what+óGé¼Gäós right. It becomes about holding on to power, and if at all power, enlarging your circle of influence in the government.
How many bloggers have seen +óGé¼+ôMr. Smith goes to Washington+óGé¼-¥? I hope eveybody. Every single person in America should, because it+óGé¼Gäós one of the most important movies in American Cinematic History. This is a movie that directly confronts the problem of political corruption. This is best represented in Sen. Joseph Paine, a once honest politician who became caught up increasing his own power instead of doing what+óGé¼Gäós right. At the opposite end of the spectrum is new Senator Jefferson Smith. He refuses to bow down to the powers that be in Washington, and fights in everyway possible to end the corruption that plagues Washington. Fights, huh? You know, somebody has a campaign slogan that sounds oddly familiar+óGé¼-ª
The question comes down to whom you want to vote for in this primary. We have two candidates here. Harris Miller knows Washington. He was a lobbyist. He knows the way things go. You have to pay for what you want, you have to trade votes, you have to sacrifice what you believe. Or, we can go with Jefferson Smith, and vote for Jim Webb. Jim, as stated above, wants nothing to do with that Washington insider crap. He wants to stand for what+óGé¼Gäós right, instead of what can expand his scope of power. Webb has no further ambitions, no plans for the future. All he wants to do is serve Virginia in the Senate.
A vote for Harris Miller is a vote for politics as usual. A man who knows Washington+óGé¼Gäós techniques and has adapted all of the worst ones into his own campaign. A vote for Harris Miller is a vote to replace corrupt Republicans with corrupt Democrats and effectively ruin any chance we have for a long-standing power shift. A vote for Harris Miller is a vote for political insiders, a vote to keep that world a secretive world that ordinary Americans like you and me are not allowed to participate in. A vote for Harris Miller is a vote for Washington.
A vote for Jim Webb is a chance to give everybody a voice. A vote for Jim Webb is a vote to fight social injustice and to give everybody a fair shot. A vote for Jim Webb is a vote to make sure that all Americans have jobs before we start shipping them overseas. A vote for Jim Webb is a vote to include every single American in an attempt to clean up Washington. A vote to end +óGé¼+ôpolitics-as-usual.+óGé¼-¥ This fall is our chance to remind people what our government should be about: It+óGé¼Gäós not about the spotlight, it+óGé¼Gäós not about the power, and it+óGé¼Gäós not about the favors. It+óGé¼Gäós about doing what+óGé¼Gäós right for those you represent. A vote for Jim Webb is a vote for a better Virginia.
We saw the good things that happened when we sent Mr. Smith to Washington in Capra's movie. Let+óGé¼Gäós make idealistic cinema into reality, and let+óGé¼Gäós send Mr. Webb to Washington. Not to represent the interests of Washington Politicians. We need somebody to represent Virginians, every one of us, and Jim Webb is the only man running for the Senate in Virginia this year who can do that.
We Americans are a stubborn lot. We left Europe (and other countries) because we didn't want to be pushed around. no way we are going to let a bunch of brown nosers screw us out of what our forefathers and mothers died for.