Whose Side Is RK On?

By: K
Published On: 4/10/2006 10:32:35 AM

My compliments on the new blogging software. It's slicker, easier to navigate, and definitely more professinal.

But, golly, do you ever need to rethink your "Subjects" jumps! Out of curiosity, I clicked on "sex" and was flabbergasted discovered that's where stuff on Virginia's wretched amendment and other rights for gays and lesbians end up.

What gives? Is RK so backwards to think LGBT rights are about nothing but 24/7 sex? Damn, I thought this blog was a little bit more progressive than the rest of Virginia, but a subject grouping like that plays perfectly into the hands of the right wingers who want to perpetuate discimination in Virginia.

And, no, the correct subject heading is NOT "gay rights." The topic is "equal rights" -- for ALL Americans. (Even Virginians!)


Good point, I'm going to change that. It's lame. (Lowell - 4/10/2006 11:16:51 AM)