However, a closer read of this article reveals a few important facts that are very encouraging. Most salient is that Tim Kaine's attempt to speak to voters on issues like his faith, as well as on guns, appears to be working exactly as it was meant to. Several voters said that whereas these issues were the deciding issue for them in the 2004 Presidential race, this year they want to hear more about jobs and education -- since both candidates aren't really that different on guns, and they are both men of faith. That clearly works in Tim Kaine's favor. These sorts of voters were lost to John Kerry last year, but Kaine is vying for them and can win them.
Four years ago, Mark Warner proved that a Democrat who took "Upbeat" positions on the economy, state government, and their relationship could beat a traditional conservative. Though Kaine is behind at this stage of the game, he is clearly within striking distance and has a good message. Now, he just needs to be more forceful in discussing his plans for jobs and schools and he can take control of this race.