"I have never felt more ashamed of my leadership in Washington"

By: Corey
Published On: 4/7/2006 11:27:25 AM

That's exactly what Charlotte, NC resident Harry Taylor told president Bush in front of a live audience yesterday during one of Bush's "open-forum" events.

"In my lifetime, I have never felt more ashamed of my leadership in Washington,...And I would hope from time to time that you have the humility and grace to be ashamed of yourself."  Taylor told Bush after rattling off a litany of grievances.

"Bush responded only to Taylor's complaint about warrantless eavesdropping. "You said, would I apologize for that?" he said. "The answer is absolutely not."

"The dialogue interrupted a love fest here in a state Bush carried in both elections."

Check out the face's of the audience members on the left side of the image.

The Washington Post has more.

Give him hell Harry!

Update:  You can watch the video here: http://thinkprogress.org/2006/04/06/bush-event-goes-off-script/


Amen Brother (Alicia - 4/7/2006 12:36:57 PM)
He speaks for millions of us.

yes (Corey - 4/7/2006 12:51:27 PM)
He does speak for me too and many (most?) Americans.  Some staffer is going to lose their job for not screening hard enough :)

Please put this on the front (phriendlyjaime - 4/7/2006 12:41:07 PM)
You can write him a thanks you note at www.thankyouharrytaylor.org.  Let's get more support for harry than bush, people!