Immigration: 71% Favor Path to Citizenship

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/3/2006 1:00:00 AM

From today's "Hotline" - the "National Journal's Daily Briefing on Politics," here's what the American people think of immigration:

Which Is Better Way To Handle Future Immigration -- Plan A Or B?

Plan A: Immigrants could come here to work for up to 6 yrs and then return home; Immigrants could bring immediate families, but families could not work; Immigrants and families would be eligible only for emergency care and education; immigrants would never be eligible for US citizenship.

Plan B: Immigrants could come to work for 3 yrs and in 4th yr they could apply for citizenship; could bring immediate families and they could work; immigrants and families would be eligible only for emergency care and education, but once they become citizens they would be eligible for all services avial to citizens; immigrants could earn right to citizenship by working, paying taxes, and learning English.

Plan A  19%
Plan B  71%

OK, now, let's get this straight.  Americans prefer Plan B - immigrants could earn right to citizenship by working, paying taxes, and learning English over Plan A - immigrants would never be eligible for US citizenship by 52 points, 71%-19%.  What was George "Dumber than a Post" Allen saying yesterday about a "consensus" on immigration?  Hey George, it looks like we've got one, just not the one you wanted.  Ha!
