George Allen Votes to Privatize Social Security

By: Josh
Published On: 3/17/2006 2:00:00 AM

Allen Votes to Privatize Social Security

There's an old Congressional saying:  "If at first you don't succeed, sneak in an ammendment and cut some deals". 

I just made that up, but you get the point.

A great example of this is the Energy-Industry's persistent attempt to slip through Congress permission to drill for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge .  This effort is more persistent than an sperm trying to bust through the membrane of an ovum.  It never stops.  I can think of at least three separate instances when this monstrous idea almost became law, and I haven't even been paying attention.  How many times has this come up?

Well, it's worked so well for drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, that Republican lawmakers seem to be trying the same tactic with their attempt to gut Social Security.

As we all know, George W. Bush named Social Security Privatization as a top priority after the 2004 election.  Fortunately for Americans, Democrats rallied and derailed the debacle.  But, if at first you don't succeed...

Dave Wiegel reports that Republicans in Congress, yesterday attepmted to resurrect Social Security Privatization.  South Carolina Senator, Jim DeMint, last year proposed to "Stop the Raid" on Social Security.  Translation:  privatize.

The Stop the Raid on Social Security Act would change this practice by directing money from the surplus to fund newly created PRAs. People under the age of 55 will have PRAs, or can choose to opt out. The accounts will initially be invested in marketable Treasury bonds. This allows a safe and prudent transition period for the development of personal accounts to protect the Social Security surplus.

Despite the fact that Virginians joined with Americans across the nation to declaim the unwise policy of "privatization" for Social Security, yesterday George Allen voted for Senator DeMint's ammendment.

Grouped By Vote Position YEAs ---46
Alexander (R-TN)
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)

Fortunately, Democrats were all onboard and skuttled DeMint's hokum.  The ammendment died on a 46-53 vote.  Unfortunately for Americans, Republicans still control congress and as long as they do, we will continue to see sneak attacks on the best interests of the American people. 

For now, the Republican's Secret Plan to Privatize Social Security is dead, but for how long?

One thing of which you can be 96% sure:  Wherever George W. Bush's rubberstamp congress makes a play to undermine the interests of the American people George Allen will be there to cast his vote with our incompetent and embattled President.
