Phil Kellam: Great Website!

By: Lowell
Published On: 3/2/2006 2:00:00 AM

Is this an excellent website or what?  Nice photos (more to come).  Nice layout.  Nice features like the "letters to editors" feature.  Nice blurb on the front page about Kellam's commitment to "more common-sense, bipartisan representatives" and to smaller, faster, better government.  Nice "community forum" concept, although I can't really tell what it will look like until some comments are up there.

And, best of all, nice job on the "Kellam Mints!" :)  Seriously, during the Clark campaign we had Clark Bars and they worked great.  Think about it; wouldn't you stop for a free candy bar (or bag of mints), even if you weren't particularly interested in politics?  And then, once you stopped, wouldn't you be in a better mood to hear a brief sales pitch about a political candidate?  I know I would, but maybe that's just because I have a big-time sweet tooth. :)

Anyway, great work by the Kellam campaign on their website. The only things I'd say they need to boost it to an "A" rating are more content (which will come in time, no doubt), and specifically more information on where he stands on the issues.  Oh, and lots more about why he'd be so much better in Congress than Thelma "I'm with Dick" Drake!
