Rep. Cantor: Hiring People Does Not Create Jobs

By: TheGreenMiles
Published On: 11/25/2008 1:48:23 PM

Don't believe me? Via NLS, check out the transcript of last night's Hannity & Colmes:
HANNITY: They say -- all right, and [Barack Obama] reiterated a lot of these points in the press conference today. That they're going to jump-start this, but they're going to, quote, "rebuild the crumbling roads and bridges and infrastructure. They're going to modernize schools, for -- build wind farms and solar panels and fuel efficient cars and alternative energy technologies."

That's what they're saying they're going to do. That's what he said today. So -- now why do I think that that does not spur any economic growth in the economy or create any new jobs or any business incentive?

CANTOR: Sean, I think you're absolutely right. I mean what are we doing here? We know what the problem is. The reason why we're here is because of the collapse in the capital markets and the financial system due to the plummeting prices of housing across this country, and as soon as the mortgage backed securities market began to implode, that poison began to spread across classes of assets, so why are we dealing with issues other than the central core problem?

Hiring thousands of Americans to rebuild and renovate America's infrastructure won't "create any new jobs"? Do they think the new roads and bridges and schools and wind farms will be built by a new line of robots resembling Futurama's Bender?

Think the elections of 2006 and 2008 have taught these guys anything? Think again. Extreme right-wing Republicans are still following the same losing playbook: Deny reality, fight solutions, lie if you think it'll score political points.


Losing Playbook (bertholland - 11/25/2008 3:30:10 PM)

Don't tell them.  We need them to keep slithering down the snake hole of non-reality for about 40 more years. At least let us have 40 or 50 years to undo the disasters that have befallen America since the election of the criminal Reagan administration.

Is he for real? He can't be serious? (chspkheel - 11/25/2008 4:02:40 PM)
That's sort of like saying turning on the sprinkler won't water the grass.  A job is a job, no matter if it is created in the private sector or by the government.  The money earned goes right back into the economy to spend or pay off debt obligations.  

FDR did this, from my understanding, to carterize the bleeding of job loss and put people back to work.  It served a couple of functions, one was psychological to help America to regain a sense of self-worth and confidence, the other to inject the national economy with positive economic activity that allowed consumers to spend rather than barely survive.  The best thing that we have going for us right now that we didn't have leading up to and during the Great Depression is we now have the social safety-nets in place to at least give folks a chance to rebound.  (FDIC, unemployment insurance, etc...)  

Also, by creating new infrastructures and updating old and outdate systems helped to spur increadible economic growth post World War II and into the 1950s and beyond.  This isn't just about trying to fix the problems right now, but laying the foundation for future economic growth and stimulating new industries.  

If Eric Cantor represents the best and brightest in today's Republican Party, they are going to be wondering in the wilderness for quite a while.  

Cantor's got the IQ of an eggplant (Lowell - 11/25/2008 4:05:50 PM)
This could be a looong time in the wilderness with him in GOP "leadership."

We need more than just Sarah! (Shenandoah Democrat - 11/25/2008 4:28:44 PM)
We need a few more right wingbats for the late night cemedians to humor us with. Eric will quickly become the go to guy for the late nights if he keeps this up! By the way, Congressman, when was the last time you visited a turkey slaughtering operation??

There's still some substance to be looted (Teddy - 11/25/2008 5:08:15 PM)
from the American economy, or so they must think. The Republican Minority Leaders spouted the same junk earlier: "reduce capital gains tax" to spur economic activity and create jobs, instead of the evil Democratic plan of fiddling with make-work like bridge repair or rebuilding infrastructure... that stuff just puts money in the hands of the little guys doing the work, who would spend it on consumption not job creation; can't you see that the Democratic plan is a scheme which has no multiplier effect, whereas giving money to giants-too-big-to-fail, like Citigroup, will trickle down and have a much greater effect. In the Long Run. Maybe.

Paulson and his Merry Band of Robbers could give lessons to the Somali pirates when it comes to stealing a nation's wealth.  

"collapse in the capital markets and the financial system due to the plummeting prices of housing across this country" (relawson - 11/25/2008 7:18:40 PM)
So the price of homes just spontaneously plummeted?  The cause is deregulation - banks issued loans that were high risk and sold them off to investors.  

Nobody wanted to be left holding the bag, so the government stepped in.  The only people not getting bailed out are home owners.  And the root cause - deregulation - hasn't even been touched.

Of course Cantor is right . . . . (JPTERP - 11/25/2008 7:26:03 PM)
there is no correlation between employment and housing prices.

Money grows on trees, and house prices will magically stabilize if we just give $15,000 tax credit to multi-millionaires like Cantor/Hannity.

Everything will magically fix itself, trust me.

Who needs a mortgage?  Cantor/Hannity are all cash buyers.

Who cares about whether the housing prices are still overvalued in some regions, Cantor/Hannity will put a floor under them.

Of course, Cantor is an idiot.

One of the tells is the line: "Sean, I think you're absolutely right."

Anyone who agrees with Sean Hannity on policy issues can't be that smart.  

I have always wondered (Jim White - 11/25/2008 8:37:18 PM)
when Eric Cantor speaks can you see Jeff Fredericks lips move?

Keep Cantor talking (bigforkgirl - 11/26/2008 6:26:17 PM)
His nonsense (on Faux Not the News) is just what we need to stay in power for many years to come.  No comment on the problems with credit default swaps/ponzi schemes?  Anyone with a hint of a brain, who reads anything on the current crisis, would be able to speak with more authority than Cantor.  He's a Loser.

But he's got the talking points (Teddy - 11/26/2008 10:26:56 PM)
down pat, loser though he may be. They are not looking for original thinkers on the other side.

Bring on Bob(not a clue what's in the Virginia Constitution) McDonnell! (Bill O. Rights - 11/28/2008 7:47:01 AM)
Cantor, Frederick and soon, Bob(duh, that was unconstituional?)McDonnell and you have the trifecta of incompetence for Virginia Politics.  

For some reason, they believe they can say anything, and people will believe it!  

Keep Cantor, Frederick, McDonnell and self proclaimed "political consultants" like Brian Kirwin in front of the camera and talking to reporters, 24/7!!!!!!

Can it get any better than this?