Cantor on FOX - NOW!

By: jsrutstein
Published On: 11/9/2008 10:17:31 AM

Please join me in watching VA's own Rep. Cantor on Fox News Sunday starting right after this commercial break!


This would be perfect (Lowell - 11/9/2008 10:19:40 AM)
for a "Quick Hit" and not a diary.  Thanks.

my hope (jsrutstein - 11/9/2008 10:35:16 AM)
was to generate a live blogging thing.

As it turns out, the only thing Cantor blathered that I think was worth commenting on was his continuing the present GOP denial that all they have to do is communicate better and emulate the Dem success at using new media and all will be fine for them.

Cantor said that the GOP "message" of limited government, lower taxes, and lower federal spending will produce attractive solutions to our problems without specifying one such solution.  I dare the GOP to do nothing but say "no" to all of the Dem proposals.

By the way, I challenge supporters of Rep. Pence to go through his public statements for his entire political life and see where he identified JFK and MLK Jr. as his "heroes."