The Immoral Violence of the Fading Right

By: Josh
Published On: 10/26/2008 9:31:23 PM

Reality has exposed the lies of fading conservatism.  Iraq has exposed the Bush Maverick agenda as America's greatest strategic failure. The hard fall of the world economic crisis has permanently discredited the deadbeat Reaganomics of trickle down, Friedman, the Laffer Curve, "starve the beast", and deregulation.  

Now, what was foisted upon the world as "Family ValuesTM" is exposed as conservatism without conscience, as bigotry presented as religion, as immoral violence against democracy.

When McCain and Palin rallies exploded with cries of "terrorist", "kill him", and "sit down, boy", decent Americans recoiled, but the campaign and her operatives pushed on.  RPV's emotionally stunted chairman, Jeff Frederick, incited volunteers to fabricate ties between Obama and the murderers of 9/11.  

The coast

But when the campaign publicly foisted the race baiting hoax of a Georgia volunteer's imaginary attack

Stoked by the violent language of the desperate, pathetic, insulting, McCain campaign, the fires of hate rage in the hearts of the abused American masses, so deluded by the lies of the right, that they sell their own birthright of freedom in exchange for incontinent fear.
