100,000 for Obama in Denver
By: Lowell
Published On: 10/26/2008 4:15:28 PM
See here for more, including Obama's prepared remarks. By the way, the 100,000 people Obama drew in Denver (plus the 45,000 he drew in Albequerque last night) compares to about 1,000 or so that attended McCain's rally yesterday in New Mexico. Does that mean McCain has Obama "right where [he] wants him" or what? Ha.
Don't want to get overconfident... (Greg - 10/26/2008 4:59:04 PM)
... but I have this funny feeling that the street party in DC the night of Nov. 4 is going to have something of the feel of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989... the outpuring of joy that we can finally put the past eight years behind us.
my sistyer (pvogel - 10/26/2008 5:06:35 PM)
was there, in the middle of the ctowd!
An impressive pic..... (kevinceckowski - 10/26/2008 5:16:16 PM)
what a guy. He may very well win this one. Eight years of the other administration was too much. When we lost by 1% in Ohio, and Bush II again, how depressing. But we made it through and got our act together and here we are in a pretty good position. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!
Mighty impressive pic... (kevinceckowski - 10/26/2008 6:00:12 PM)
and it is all coming together, the voters who want change, the crowds, the message, the funds, the ads, the points and counter points in rapid fire to defend positions and clarify others. Now everyone has to get out and VOTE VOTE VOTE this previous administration and the McSame crowd AWAY!!!! In the article, front page, Washington Post today about McCain, not ONE MENTION or use of the word PALIN. Interesting.
Dis-enfranchisement goes into high gear (Teddy - 10/26/2008 6:08:56 PM)
in both Ohio and Colorado (where I hear the Secretary of State is pulling a Kathryn Harris), and maybe Florida again as well. President Bush has one-upped the Supreme Court of the United States by ordering the Attorney General to "investigate" the new voter rolls in Ohio, despite the decision by SCOTUS that this is not necessary. This puts 200,000 new voters at risk of not being able to vote, intimidates others, and may well influence the outcome. We have all heard of the brouhaha over Acorn registrations, ham-handed efforts to scare college students away from voting by threatening their parents with losing a deduction for their college students, or otherwise loss of in-state tuition, preventing voters whose homes have been foreclosed from voting, caging voters, and so on. The inventiveness of the Repulicans never ceases to amaze. The only answer is so to swamp them with numbers that any votes lost through these tactics simply will not matter in the landslide. Unortunately, I fear violence, frankly, when the McCain crew realizes their tactics are not working, plus lawsuits and complaints of fraud---- anything to de-legitimize Obama's election.
The only tactic they are employing which I think might really work to some degree is the plea to elect Republicans to Congress so as to preserve checks and balance---- it's hilarious that the GOP is trying to frighten the electorate by the possibility that, if the Democrats own White House and Congress, they might do exactly as the Republicans did when they held the Presidency, both houses of Congress (and even the Supreme Court). What goes around comes around.
Obama has legal funds (kevinceckowski - 10/26/2008 6:22:33 PM)
I believe for legal actions if he needs them. You can bet Obama saw this article too or heard about it and set in motion his own lawyers. I would if I were him. SCOTUS was very clear about why they ruled the way they did. It was somewhat vague but clearly they were sending a signal that you can't make it too impossible, too difficult for someone to vote. Case and point a soldier who does not live at his current address, deployed, but a citizen/resident of the state of Ohio. How does he vote? He wants to vote and he should be able to vote. Verify his address and he does not come up. Does that mean he can not vote now that he is deployed? SCOTUS said No, but not the Bush administration.
Denver Rally (seamusotoole - 10/26/2008 6:35:37 PM)
This is so amazing to see. Having walked up to to the Capital Building in Denver when I was a National Delegate for Obama in August, and seeing this incredible, amazing crowd seriously brings tears to my eyes. The people of Colorado and Denver were so hospitable to all of us who were fortunate enough to attend the Democratic National Convention. I had heard that both Denver and Boulder would definitely go Obama's way for the Election, but this says to me the whole state may very well take it for him. McCain's crowds tend to get smaller and smaller. Go Colorado!!! Go Virginia!!!! Let's turn them blue once and for all and get the job done.
Mary Lee Cerillo