Well, some will say those votes were years ago. How could Mr. Goode have know the magnitude of the financial disaster that his votes would help precipitate? And anyway surely he has done SOME GOODE recently. Again, lets examine his voting record FROM THE LAST TWO WEEKS. On September 26, 2008 Rep. Goode voted AGAINST the Job Creation and Unemployment Relief Act (H.R. 7110, Vote 660), which passed with bipartisan support as it stimulated job creation and economic growth and extended unemployment benefits for the growing number of Americans looking for work. Apparently Mr. Goode believes that his district does not need any help with job creation. An extention of unemployment benefits? Our Representative said 'no thanks, I don't guess my constituents need that either'. Mr. Goode is either ignorant of the fact that parts of his District have the highest unemployment in the Commonwealth or he simply doesn't care. Three days later on September 29th, 2008 Rep. Goode was one of only six members of Congress to vote AGAINST the Small Business Financing Improvements Act of 2008 (H.R. 7175, Vote 675). This Act reauthorized small business assistance programs through the Small Business Administration and made it easier for entrepreneurs to start their own businesses. When it comes to stimulating jobs and caring for the unemployed, our current Representative is absolutely NO GOODE.
There can be no excuse for Mr. Goode's actively working against the welfare of his own constituency. When a Representative willfully ignores the best interests of his or her District it becomes incumbent upon the people to act on their own behalf. We live here. We know what we need from our Representatives. Please join me on November 4th in making our voices heard as we demand true representation and reject what we know to be NO GOODE.
Mark Warner