Roanoke Times: McCain "sullied his reputation for honor and honesty"

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/21/2008 2:01:19 PM

If you haven't read it yet, I strongly recommend this Roanoke Times editorial, entitled "Robocalls highlight McCain's descent: In pursuit of the presidency, McCain sullied his reputation for honor and honesty." Here's an excerpt:

In the 2000 Republican primary in South Carolina, Sen. John McCain was a victim of Karl Rove, the win-at-all-costs political adviser to President Bush.

In 2008, McCain has become the foremost practitioner of Rovian politics, tossing his hard-won reputation as a straight-talking, honorable politician into the nearest trash can.


A man who tried to make honor and honesty his defining characteristics, McCain sacrificed his reputation in pursuit of the presidency. It is a tragedy that could only be compounded if he were rewarded with victory.

How can there be anyone left in this country who fails to admit this? How can there be any Republican elected officials who fail to condemn John McCain for a divisive, deceitful campaign that has appealed to our darkest impulses, to the lesser angels of our nature.  I suppose the saying, "There are none so blind as those who will not see," applies here. All I can do is urge everyone of good will to open their eyes and see!


Gov. Crist jumps ship as well (Lowell - 10/21/2008 2:10:32 PM)
Poor John McCain, even his friends are abandoning him and his scorched earth, "Tour de Hate '08."

Crist was asked about the attacks from many McCain supporters that Obama is advancing a "socialist" agenda.

"I imagine different people have different definitions. I don't think it looks that way to me," he said.