Bring it on! That will work as well for John McCain as it did for Hillary Clinton. While we're at it, let's make sure we include a thorough vetting of John Sidney McCain III's cronies, including:
--domestic terrorist G. Gordon the Plumber
--death squad financier John Singlaub
--Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac lobbyist Rick Davis
--swiftboater Paul Galanti
--Hussein lobbyist/McCain transition chief William Timmons
--Republican Party of Virginia Chairman/bonehead Jeff Frederick
--savings and loan bandit Charles Keating
--drug addict Cindy McCain
--Alaskan secessionist Sarah Palin
--McCain economic adviser/UBS shill Phil Gramm
--Scott Reed, Wes Gullett, and John Weaver
--the KKK
--lifelong slimeball Andy Martin
--macaca man George Allen
--Father of the Year and First Dude Todd Palin
--racist "values voters"
--a collection of small-minded, intolerant pastors
--the unreal Nancy Pfotenhauer
--newfound friends Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist
--and of course, the man behind the curtain, Karl Rove.
People who live in seven glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
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