Frank Freaks, Goes Negative on Feder

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/20/2008 2:53:42 PM

You know a candidate, particularly a 28-year incumbent, is worried when he goes negative on a challenger. Maybe it was Frank Wolf's angry, bizarre performance in his debate the other day with Judy Feder?  Maybe it's the fact that Judy Feder is neck-and-neck with him in fundraising?  Maybe it's the prospect of Barack Obama and Mark Warner both winning big in his district? Or maybe Wolf's just a grumpy, thin-skinned, hotheaded guy who's been in Congress waaaaaay too long? Check out the following mailer (click to "embiggen") and decide for yourself.  Also, see the "flip" for the Feder campaign's response to Wolf going negative and breaking his pledge not to run ridiculous, partisan attacks like this.

Congressman Wolf Breaks Pledge to Refrain from Partisan Negative Attacks
Campaign Launches Desperate Negative Attack on Feder

McLean, VA- In a sign of increasing desperation, Congressman Wolf has broken a pledge that has been the central focus of his effort to get re-elected: that the voters can count on him to stay above the fray and refrain from negative, partisan attacks on his opponents.  Over the weekend, voters of Virginia's 10th District began receiving attack mailers from the Wolf campaign that are full of distortions and outright falsehoods.

"This kind of behavior is pretty surprising given Mr. Wolf's insistence that he doesn't engage in negative partisan attacks. He's clearly not being honest with the voters," said Feder campaign manager Luke McFarland.

Perhaps the most egregious attack launched by the Wolf campaign is the notion that Feder supports tax increases. In reality, Congressman Wolf has proposed the largest tax increase on the middle class in history. During the debate last week in Manassas, Congressman Wolf endorsed Senator McCain's plan to tax health care benefits.

The McCain-Wolf health care plan would leave millions without health insurance and would shift costs to individuals and working families who are already hurting. Congressman Wolf's plan for a new tax credit for health care is paid for by taxing employees' health benefits for the first time ever. This tax punishes those who currently have real health insurance, and over time will result in higher taxes for tens of millions of middle-class families.


Ha (legacyofmarshall - 10/20/2008 3:04:05 PM)
It's hard to make Judy look mean/angry, she really is quite a nice person.

She's super nice... (Lowell - 10/20/2008 3:27:54 PM)
...and also super qualified to be a great representative for the 10th district.  Wolf, on the other hand?  Well, let's just say that he may have been a good representative 10 or 20 years ago, but today...not so much.

Yeah (legacyofmarshall - 10/20/2008 3:59:46 PM)
As a constituent in the 10th, I've contacted Wolf's office from time to time, gotten mediocre answers.

I totally trust Judy to fight for the area and make sound decisions for the nation.

The TV equivalent of this mailer is on the air (Pain - 10/21/2008 6:40:43 AM)

I saw it this morning on broadcast TV.  I also saw Judy's ad in the next commercial segment on the same channel, nbc4.