In a stunning reversal of his position against tax increases, yesterday Congressman Wolf endorsed the largest middle class tax increase in history. During the Thursday evening debate in Manassas, Congressman Wolf endorsed Senator McCain's plan to tax health care benefits.[...]
The McCain-Wolf health care plan would leave millions without health insurance and would shift costs to individuals and working families who are already hurting....
In addition, by taxing employee health benefits, the McCain-Wolf plan will make it more expensive for employers to provide coverage...
The bottom line is that instead of fixing health care, Wolf (and McCain) want to tax it. Brilliant! Read the rest of the story here.
he really punted on Webb's GI bill and his vote against.
his ties to McCain on health care did not resonate, and his constant reliance on 'commissions' just delays real action. his references to the SAFE commission were just distraction.
when you vote with Bush, and against kids health care you're not a 'moderate.
his anti stem cell position is typical of an out of touch with the 10th district figure.
at least he's right on immigration ;-)