G. Gordon the Plumber

By: Great Blue
Published On: 10/17/2008 9:17:46 AM

Who is convicted domestic terrorist and McCain pal G. Gordon Liddy?

--head of the Nixon administration's illegal White House Plumbers unit that broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate to plant bugs and photograph documents.

--CREEP who organized the break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office.

--author of a Nixonian plan to kidnap anti-war activists so they couldn't "disrupt" the 1972 Republican National Convention.

--proponent of a plan to murder liberal newspaper columnist Jack Anderson.

--plotted to firebomb the Brookings Institution to obtain the Pentagon Papers.

--plotted to lure Democratic officials into compromising positions with call girls.

--convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and illegal wiretapping, sentenced to twenty years in the federal penitentiary.

--served over 100 days in solitary confinement.

--after five years served, prison sentence commuted by President Jimmy Carter.

--unrepentant domestic terrorist who insisted he had "no regrets" and that he served time in a federal penitentiary as a "prisoner of war."

--ex-prosecutor who once fired a gun into a courtroom ceiling.

--inciter of hatred and violence who told Branch Davidian Waco whackos to "resist [federal agents] with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests. ... Kill the sons of bitches."

--later revised the above comments to recommend shots to the groin instead of the head.

--recommended labeling targets "Bill" and "Hillary" during shooting practice.

--admirer since childhood of Adolf Hitler.

--longtime fundraiser and bigtime contributor to John McCain.

--host of a party at his house to raise funds for John McCain.

--host of a right wing radio show that has featured as its guest John McCain.

G. Gordon Liddy.  Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist.  Longtime old friend and ardent supporter of John Sidney McCain III.
Cross-posted at www.vagreatblueheron.wordpress.com


This is Brilliant !! (ub40fan - 10/17/2008 10:39:11 AM)
Nice piece. Perfect.

put it up on the great orange satan (teacherken - 10/17/2008 11:26:26 AM)
and perhaps send links to the likes of Keith Olberman and rachel Maddow

Agreed. (Lowell - 10/17/2008 11:37:53 AM)
Please do.

I sent link to Maddow (teacherken - 10/17/2008 12:42:59 PM)
and am also sending it to Andrew Sullivan

Speaking of the Orange Monster...and Plumbers (Pain - 10/17/2008 12:07:14 PM)

Not exactly related, but worth posting.  Discusses more Vetting problems for McFoamy.



Eeeeuuuwwwwwww.... (TurboAlto - 10/17/2008 1:01:45 PM)
I was eating lunch!!  I'll probably have nightmares tonight because of that picture.

He needs to locked up again (McGuffin - 10/17/2008 8:34:14 PM)
just for for wearing that horrible speedo and grossing people out.

No, LOOK at that photo. (spotter - 10/18/2008 10:44:10 AM)
I said this on VBDems when somebody described Gordon Liddy as "authentic," so let me say it here.

That photo may be disturbing, but force yourself to look at it, closely.  An ugly and evil man, naked to the world, arrogant and unrepentant, wrapping only his naughty bits in scraps of our American flag.  [Analogy, anyone?]  A so-called patriot (really, a frightenting Nationalist) whose main contribution to our country was his bungled attempt to bring down the Constitution bequeathed to us by the Founding Fathers whom conservatives so loudly revere.

A man stopped only by an alert security guard and a misplaced piece of tape on a doorknob.

Whatever happened to those highly touted Republican virtues of personal responsibility, law and order, accountability, and patriotism?

This is the ugly, authentic face (and naked body) of what American conservatism has become.

Don't John McCain a pass on this one.  He wants this election to be about questionable associations, fine.  He must be judged by the Plumbers and domestic terrorists with whom he pals around, including and especially people like G. Gordon the Plumber.