Check Out Bryan Scrafford's Story on Keith Fimian

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/16/2008 4:37:27 PM

Bryan Scrafford has been doing great work, and this story is no exception.

The health care policy that was offered to Fimian's employees is relevant to this election for several reasons. Perhaps the most obvious is that his values can be found through the way he ran the company. In this circumstance, his company provided a health care policy that took an extra step to make sure that abortions wouldn't be covered even if the woman's life was in danger. If that is the way his leadership skills and social values related to providing employee benefits, one has to wonder how they would affect his decisions in Congress. It also provides us with a potential reason behind why he refuses to address many social issues, including those he could potentially have to vote on during his time in office.

Obviously, Keith Fimian is far, FAR to the right of the district on social issues. Read the entire story here, and don't vote for this guy!


Another stealth candidate (Teddy - 10/16/2008 7:37:35 PM)
who deliberately conceals his misogyny. The truth about Fimian's extremist views needs to be widely distributed. Don't let him get away with this lying---- lying is not always a positive act, it can be simply failing to reveal something, in this case something he knows will cost him votes.