Also wanted are some of you have have something to lose. How bout really putting country first? Moderate Republicans (or apologetic conservatives) put your Senate or House seat on the line. Talk is cheap. Prove you really put your country before your electability. Make up for all the lip-service you've paid to the previous administration and its just-plain-wrong policies. You can make up for the last eight years--beginning now. Make up for your tacit (until now) approval of the blight that is the McCain scorched-earth campaign. And, who knows, by endorsing Barack Obama, you might even raise your hopes on Nov. 4th.
The tide is turning. Be on a winning team. Be on the best team for uniting our nation and doing what's necessary to get us back on track economically, diplomatically, and security-wise. You know we do not need more wrecking-ball policies. They haven't worked. You know we need a moderating of the power-grabbing Bush years. Yet Sarah Palin and John McCain seek to build even greater power centered in the White House. Palin herself said so. You can help put an end to the ongoing unConstitutional direction of Bush-Cheney-McCain-Palin.
Our nation needs you to come on over to our side now. Calling all good Republicans... Where are you? Senators John Warner, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Chuck Hagel, where are you? Where are others of you who care more about our nation than the Republican party? America needs you, more than ever.
Where's the beef? It's like the dignity seeped out onto the floor.