McCain Campaign Defends Crowd Members Who Yelled "Kill Him," etc.

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/10/2008 4:57:55 PM

I honestly can't remember anything quite like this in American politics - a dark new low, if that's possible:

The McCain campaign is defending crowd members at its recent rallies who have called Obama a terrorist, accused him of treason and even screamed "kill him" when his association with former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers has been broached.

"Barack Obama's attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn't understand regular people and the issues they care about. He dismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to guns and religion, while at the same time attacking average Americans at McCain rallies who are angry at Washington, Wall Street and the status quo," reads a statement from spokesman Brian Rogers. "Even worse, he attacks anyone who dares to question his readiness to serve as their commander in chief in chief. Raising legitimate questions about record, character and judgment are a vital part of the Democratic process, and Barack Obama's effort to silence and shame those who seek answers should make everyone wonder exactly what he is hiding."

Of course, what you just read from the McCain campaign is classic Karl Rove - create your own reality, regardless of the facts (which are 180-degrees opposite to what you're saying). At this point, sadly, the McCain campaign is so desperate that they will apparently say anything at all, pander to the violent bigots, whatever it takes to get elected. What ever happened to "country first?"  So much for that!

Meanwhile, Frank Shaeffer warns McCain that "we will hold you responsible" for any violence that stems from instigating what Shaeffer calls "the lunatic fringe of haters."  Schaeffer continues:

Stop! Think! Your rallies are beginning to look, sound, feel and smell like lynch mobs.

John McCain, you're walking a perilous line. If you do not stand up for all that is good in America and declare that Senator Obama is a patriot, fit for office, and denounce your hate-filled supporters when they scream out "Terrorist" or "Kill him," history will hold you responsible for all that follows.

John McCain and Sarah Palin, you are playing with fire, and you know it. You are unleashing the monster of American hatred and prejudice, to the peril of all of us. You are doing this in wartime. You are doing this as our economy collapses. You are doing this in a country with a history of assassinations.

Change the atmosphere of your campaign. Talk about the issues at hand. Make your case. But stop stirring up the lunatic fringe of haters, or risk suffering the judgment of history and the loathing of the American people - forever.

We will hold you responsible.

Yes, we most certainly will.


It's really a shame (Will Write For Food - 10/10/2008 6:46:59 PM)
that American conservatism is turning more and more into George Wallace politics.

After all the hate and violence in Virginia's political past (Tiderion - 10/11/2008 2:04:45 AM)
we got Mark Warner out of it. Let's see if we can skip a step and just elect Obama now.

Apparently, McPalin just blinked (Pain - 10/10/2008 7:00:42 PM)

"We want to fight, and I want to fight, but we will be respectful," McCain said to boos at first. "I want everyone to be respectful," he then said and people began to clap.

In response to a later question he added, "You can be respectful and point out facts," as he called on his supporters to point out facts to their neighbors but be respectful.

Translation (norman swingvoter - 10/10/2008 7:23:43 PM)
We just got some polling numbers that say this is not working.  We had better try something else.