That was the theme of the morning: ensuring the needs of all veterans are addressed appropriately without division by party affiliation. This is a position that has broad support throughout Virginia and which Governor Warner has made a centerpiece of his campaign; a part of the reason so many Virginians are willing to cross party lines to support him. A lot of their respect was earned during his tenure as Governor. Among his many accomplishments were increases in the Department of Veterans Services budget of $1,286,633; a 50% increase in operational support over two years which added 16 claims officers and other staff. Further he led the way obtaining a $14.75 million construction grant approval from the Federal VA for a second Veterans Care Center in Richmond and a $1.1 million renovation grant from the Federal VA for repairs and upgrades to Veterans Care Center in Salem. The list continues, but just this much is enough to demonstrate why voters see Governor Warner's commitment to those who have served as genuine and not just a bumper sticker slogan.
Cross posted at VBDems - Blogging our way to Democratic wins in Virginia Beach! Go RK!