"My Fellow Prisoners" - UPDATED with "Neuro1"

By: Josh
Published On: 10/8/2008 3:01:11 PM

Great Jumpin Hogs in a Cowpoke!

He didn't just say what I think he did... did he?

Wow!  That's some SERIOUSLY erratic behavior.  I want to see those medical records NOW!!!

UPDATE:  Confirmed:  McCain is taking the herbal supplement, "Neuro1", which is also used to assuage the symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia.


Nobody even batted an eyelash (Lowell - 10/8/2008 3:02:28 PM)
What are all these Republicans, zombies or something?

They stopped listening to him, too... (TurboAlto - 10/8/2008 3:07:15 PM)
Perhaps even the Raging Reps are tired of it as well...


Is the Daily Kos (kevinceckowski - 10/8/2008 9:41:15 PM)
picking this up? I watched it a dozen times. Everyone just paused like .....should we laugh, cry, run, hide!!!

Seriously... (Tom Joad (Kevin) - 10/8/2008 3:09:06 PM)
it's like no one heard it at all. At least McCain grimaced when someone shouted "terrorist" at one of his rhetorical questions. Although after thinking about it, I'm not sure which is better.

They were staring at Palin (Tiderion - 10/8/2008 3:39:53 PM)

It looks like they all went silent, even Palin. (vadem2008 - 10/8/2008 8:43:37 PM)

Also, it definitely was not intentional. (vadem2008 - 10/8/2008 8:45:04 PM)

Fellow prisoners (KCinDC - 10/8/2008 3:10:12 PM)
I've felt for almost eight years now that other Americans were in some sense my fellow prisoners in the nightmare of what the Bush administration has done to our country. I had no idea McCain felt the same way. Certainly he showed no signs of it when he was voting with Bush all along.

That's it! (Teddy - 10/8/2008 3:19:55 PM)
How perceptive of you. Or, was this perhaps at a school, say a private school, and McCain was referring in jovial and avuncular fashion to his empathy for the students who also considered themselves prisoners? Whatever.

No, it was at Lorton... (kevinceckowski - 10/8/2008 9:28:19 PM)
or somewhere close.  He was rallying the crooks and liars.

Maybe A Feudian Slip? (norman swingvoter - 10/8/2008 10:04:41 PM)
KCinDc, I also think you are on to something.  Bush took a country on the upswing, and in 8 years has put us on a downward spiral with no end in sight.  No only that but our financial problems are starting to spread worldwide.  Pretty soon, the word, American, will be a cuss word outside the US.

John McCain: Nothing But More Of The Same

Supplements (Ingrid - 10/8/2008 3:18:19 PM)
Apparently, McCain is taking energy supplements for dementia.  It's on americablog:


Free Levi!!!! (snolan - 10/8/2008 4:03:34 PM)

I share KCinDC's assessment above though, we are all prisoners until the end of the Bush error.

Holy crap (Ron1 - 10/8/2008 4:08:02 PM)
that's funny. Maher (and his smarminess) annoys me sometimes, but he pretty much knocked that one straight out of the park.

Free Levi! (Teddy - 10/8/2008 8:29:21 PM)
Maher is giving cardiac arrest all across the fake solicitous society. OMG. I am ashocked I tell you. Shocked.

VetVoice weighs in (Lowell - 10/8/2008 5:53:29 PM)
and it's not pretty!

...barring any as-yet-undisclosed contextual reasons for the odd reference, let's be frank about what this is: This is likely evidence of severe post-traumatic stress, or, PTSD.  I'm not a doctor, but I don't need an M.D. to diagnose a sucking chest wound, either.  It's obvious, and it's out there now.  And if, for some reason, I'm wrong, then it's a sign of dementia--which would be much worse.  That simply wasn't a normal lapsus lingua.

Another Neuro1 Moment (Josh - 10/8/2008 5:59:30 PM)

President Putin of Germany?! (vadem2008 - 10/8/2008 8:48:07 PM)
Why aren't we seeing these clips 24 hours a day?

Yikes and New Polls may reflect... (kevinceckowski - 10/8/2008 6:22:27 PM)
...this loss of McCain memory or whatever you call it.

On Oct 6th MSNBC had their electoral map up and there are some dramatic, I mean dramatic changes in it today, just 2 days later...today Oct 8th.

(electoral votes)
(3)  MT was always leaning
(6)  AR
(9)  LA
(15) GA
(5)  WV
are all now ONLY Leaning McCain, NOT LIKELY MCCAIN.

The map has suddenly turned LIGHT Red and going BLUE. It is a crack that is very big and if the trend continues, as President Clinton said, we are in for a LANDSLIDE!

Also, on CNN, (4)NH is now in the Obama column, not just leaning.

Also as of 7 Oct on CNN
NV,OH, PA, MN , FL were toss ups states but NOW LEANING Obama.

The only thing (Teddy - 10/8/2008 8:36:37 PM)
is a terrorist mugging, so watch out. Do you suppose, if Osama cannot be persuaded to do something spectacular, that the Swift Boaters do physical wet work in addition to their usual virtual? I am not joking; we have not yet heard much from those gentlemen, and I would suppose they have been assigned a role to play.

I don't think so this time (Ron1 - 10/8/2008 8:45:38 PM)
The Swiftboat cronies crew saw a chance to make a bet that a few million or tens of millions in money could let them rake in billions over the next four years -- and I'm sure that they were so justly rewarded.

They probably realize at this point that McCain's campaign is a lost cause (I mean, hell, there are enough lobbyists on the inside of that campaign to give them the straight dope), so they won't be throwing good money after bad.

They are about the $$. Within the margin of error, their shenanigans can work. In a blowout, not so much.  

Until the MSM picks this up (DanG - 10/8/2008 7:28:22 PM)
This won't be an issue, even though I think any medication McCain takes for his freaking brain is far more important than who Obama met a few times in Chicago...

This is how these things get started... (Josh - 10/8/2008 8:41:30 PM)
Traditional media didn't have a clue about Macacca until VA blogs ran it up the flapole and demanded somebody salute.

What we have here is a number of datapoints demanding to be connected.

1.  The oldest candidate ever to seek the presidency for a first term, who suffered the most severe abuse at the hands of his Vietnamese captors during 5 years imprisonment.

2.  Stacks of case study on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

3.  A trail of increasingly erratic behavior:  gaffes, mistakes, misstatements, forgettfulness, and "senior moments" that seem to undermine at best the foreign policy expertice of a candidate for president, and at worst to call into question his mental capacity.

4.  A shockingly secretive candidate, unwilling to disclose his wife's tax records or his medical records and who is also willing to take drastic action, as in the troopergate scandal to obfuscate judicial process, and is drastically willing to keep the press uninformed, as in Palin's "barbie doll in a glass case" routine.

5.  Campaign confirmation that the candidate is taking pills, Neuro1, that while used as a stimulant, are also used to treat dementia and the symptoms of Alzheimer's.

Why are blogs the only ones asking these questions.  When this candidate stands up and makes a monumental gaffe which seems, in context, to be an episode of some sort, addressing an entire crowd of supporters as "My Fellow Prisoners".

Will no member of the traditional media deign to research this situation?  Will no member of the traditional media exercise the prerogative of the 4th estate to ask for the release of Senator McCain's medical records, including a psychological evaluation?  

With the economy in a seeming death spiral, the nation embroiled in two seemingly endless wars, and faith in the presidency and congress at historic lows, Americans are about to make the single most important choice of the 21st century. Shouldn't American's be allowed to make that decision with some semblance of full information?

As others have pointed out, PTSD is no disqualification for holding a job, what is important is how the indivudal case is handled.  If PTSD is not the case, there is mounting evidence of some other, potentially degenerative, ailment, and the Senator's frequent use of Neuro1 points towards either dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

These are serious times, and serious questions.  They deserve a serious accounting.

First Bob Dole with Viagra, now this (Kindler - 10/8/2008 8:56:41 PM)
Whatever happened to "Just say no"?

Just Say McNo... (kevinceckowski - 10/8/2008 9:36:44 PM)
and maybe Bob Dole looks a tad bit better today after all for the GOP.

BTW, this Neuro story is truly breaking news (Kindler - 10/8/2008 9:47:08 PM)
It's not on Kos yet, not on Huffington, hardly anywhere.  It's got the potential to be a big story and I encourage everyone to spread it around to your favorite blog or media outlet.  

If the press debunks it, fine -- as long as they investigate it.