Sarah Palin's "Macaca" Moment

By: KathyinBlacksburg
Published On: 10/5/2008 1:03:35 PM

Sarah Palin has gone too far.  And her "Macaca moment" has happened.  It should bring down this ticket under the weight of its incredible nastiness.

Sarah Palin has said Barack Obama "palls around with terrorists."  And she won't retract that hateful and appalling claim.  Such an attack is right out of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy's playbook: Cynically and with no regard for truth, label someone the enemy.  The sad thing this time, is that she uses a cynical ploy derived by a candidate on our side of the aisle.  And here this false charge comes back to bite us again.
Coming from the GOP candidates,this tactic is no surprise, because Republicans have been using it for years.  One notable example was when Saxby Chambliss used a similar attack on Max Cleland. But this time, it has a more sinister ring.  Sarah Palin and her sidekick John McCain have tried mightily to cast Barack Obama as a "pal" of terrorists --and Rev. wright.  Their campaing pushes these mantras.  And in Virginia, canvassers are trained to say such things.  

Now Palin tries to ramp up her red-meat Moose fests the way Hannity, Coulter or O'Reilly do.  Her approach is: Get em pumped up and calling for blood. Whoever among the National Organization for Women, who once thought ANY woman would be better than a man in the presidency, now has a real chance to see the fallacy in their thinking. Sarah Palin has has had her macacca moment.  It's time for her to go (off the ticket) and/or down to defeat.
