Those in Favor of Executing Kids, Say "Nay"

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/4/2006 2:00:00 AM

Yesterday, the Virginia House of Delegates, by a vote of 63-34, voted to ban the execution of juveniles (under age 18) in Virginia.  The Senate passed an identical bill - bringing Virginia's law into compliance with a 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling  - this past Tuesday.  I just thought you'd be interested to know which of our fine Delegates apparently believes that executing kids, and therefore voted "Nay" on the bill to ban the practice:

Abbitt (I), Athey (R), Barlow (D), Bell (R), Byron (R), Carrico (R), Cline (R), Cole (R), Cox (R), Dudley (R), Frederick (R), Gear (R), Gilbert (R), Hogan (R), Howell, A.T. (D), Hugo (R) Hurt (R), Iaquinto (R), Ingram (R), Janis (R), Kilgore (R), Marshall, D.W. (R), May (R), Nixon (R), Orrock (R), Peace (R), Putney (I), Rapp (R), Scott, E.T. (R), Sherwood (R), Ware, R.L. (R), Welch (R), Wright (R), Mr. Speaker (R)

Note that every one of these members (with four exceptions - two Independents and two Democrats) who seems to feel that executing kids happens to be a member of the "family values" party.  Interesting...
