Abbitt (I), Athey (R), Barlow (D), Bell (R), Byron (R), Carrico (R), Cline (R), Cole (R), Cox (R), Dudley (R), Frederick (R), Gear (R), Gilbert (R), Hogan (R), Howell, A.T. (D), Hugo (R) Hurt (R), Iaquinto (R), Ingram (R), Janis (R), Kilgore (R), Marshall, D.W. (R), May (R), Nixon (R), Orrock (R), Peace (R), Putney (I), Rapp (R), Scott, E.T. (R), Sherwood (R), Ware, R.L. (R), Welch (R), Wright (R), Mr. Speaker (R)
Note that every one of these members (with four exceptions - two Independents and two Democrats) who seems to feel that executing kids happens to be a member of the "family values" party. Interesting...