Report From Danville: Terry McAuliffe Campaigns Hard For Barack Obama

By: Lee Diamond
Published On: 9/30/2008 3:00:47 PM

Terry McAuliffe was in Danville yesterday as part of his southwest swing for Barack Obama reported elsewhere on this page.  As a former critic, I have to say that I acquired a first-hand sense of Terry's formidable political skills yesterday.

Terry was here to talk about health care, but he started talking about what is on everyone's mind, the financial bailout and our country's liquidity crisis.  He gave a sound explanation of why we need to do the bailout on behalf of everyone in this country who needs the many forms of credit generally available.  At one time or another, most Americans need credit.   We need to do this for our economy, but we should make sure it serves the interests of all Americans.

Health care is clearly a winning issue for the Democrats.  McAuliffe emphasized how much the current failed system costs.  Doing nothing is quite expensive.  Obama's plan will   provide middle class americans a substantial incentive to purchase health insurance.  For more info visit  For those who cannot afford to purchase health insurance, an Obama Administration will make sure the uninsured are able to obtain coverage.

I thought McAuliffe was terrific with Q&A.  There were questions about the antics of his friend Bill, but most of the questions were about the bailout and health care.  The health care questions and answers helped to flesh out the details of Barack's plan.  I think I have a better understanding of it than I did before the event.

As a few people started to trickle out early, McAuliffe asked them where they were going and said, "lets give this person a round of applause."  He came over to the campaign office afterwards and had a piece of a volunteer's zucchini bread.

It was an impressive piece of campaigning.

