Quote of the Day by Bob Herbert. Quotes of Yesterday by Paul Krugman and Barney Frank.

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/30/2008 6:02:28 AM

The quote of the day comes from New York Times columnist Bob Herbert, who writes (in a column appropriately entitled, "When Madmen Reign"):

I'm not holding my breath, but I would like to see the self-proclaimed conservative, small government, anti-regulation, free-market zealots step up and take responsibility for wrecking the American economy and bringing about the worst financial crisis since the Depression.

Yeah, I'm not holding my breath either. In fact, I'd expect the opposite to occur, that Republicans would try to blame ANYONE but themselves. As we saw yesterday, Nancy Pelosi hit a raw nerve among Republicans when she talked - absolutely correctly - about "the costs of the Bush Administration's failed economic policies -- policies built on budgetary recklessness, on an anything goes mentality, with no regulation, no supervision, and no discipline in the system."  I mean, how can anyone deny this? Obviously, they can't, so instead they send out Eric "Jack Abramoff Named a Sandwich After Me!" Cantor to whine, snivel and snarl about how doggone MEAN that meanie mean mean Nancy Pelosi is for telling...er, the truth. Snivel.

Well, sorry, but Eric Cantor can whine 'til his buddy Jack Abramoff gets out of jail, but it still doesn't change the fact that his party IS largely responsible for the current economy mess we find ourselves in. Dude, stop crying and start dealing with it.

With that, here's a bonus quote, this time from Paul Krugman's blog yesterday:

...we now have is non-functional government in the face of a major crisis, because Congress includes a quorum of crazies and nobody trusts the White House an inch.

As a friend said last night, we've become a banana republic with nukes.

And who made us a "banana republic with nukes?" That's right, I'm lookin' at YOU Eric Cantor, your "quorum of crazies," and your Best Friends Forever (BFF's) Dubya, Dick, and Hothead McSame (they also would be part of the "quorum of crazies" except that even the "crazies" don't trust them). More importantly, future historians will look at you guys with the utter contempt and condemnation you deserve for your wildly reckless and irresponsible policies that brought us to where we're at now.  Come to think of it, lots of us already ARE looking at you that way...no need to wait for future historians! :)

P.S. Whoops, almost forgot the awesome quote by Barney Frank from yesterday about Eric Cantor and his Wacky Band o' Whiners: "Because somebody hurt their feelings, they decide to punish the country."  Quick, somebody call the waaaaaaambulance!


Banana republic (Ingrid - 9/30/2008 7:56:55 AM)
The difference is that in a real banana republic, the government takes over (nationalizes) profitable companies.

David Brooks on House Republicans (Lowell - 9/30/2008 7:58:26 AM)
No disagreement here:

House Republicans led the way and will get most of the blame. It has been interesting to watch them on their single-minded mission to destroy the Republican Party. Not long ago, they led an anti-immigration crusade that drove away Hispanic support. Then, too, they listened to the loudest and angriest voices in their party, oblivious to the complicated anxieties that lurk in most American minds.

Now they have once again confused talk radio with reality. If this economy slides, they will go down in history as the Smoot-Hawleys of the 21st century. With this vote, they've taken responsibility for this economy, and they will be held accountable. The short-term blows will fall on John McCain, the long-term stress on the existence of the G.O.P. as we know it.