To my fellow catastrophizers

By: Kris Amundson
Published On: 9/28/2008 12:19:46 PM

(This is cross posted at 7 West).
Fess up. On Friday night, you wanted Our Guy to strike back. You wondered why he didn't say, "As a matter of fact, John, I do understand." You wanted him to smack somebody upside the head.

Or maybe that was just me.

But as the polls have come in and I've had a chance to look at the internals, I was the one who was smacked upside the head with this realization: These folks know what they're doing.

For a lot of us (on both sides) the election is already over. The Twelve Apostles could come canvassing at my door for John McCain and I wouldn't change my vote. So in that debate, Barack Obama didn't have to talk to me.

He did need to talk to the undecided voters. Who loved the fact that he wasn't mean. Who loved it when he said he agreed with his opponent. Who want a President, in other words, who acts Presidential.

It's always satisfying to get off a real zinger in an argument. (This is a sin with which I am not unfamiliar.) But it is not worth it if you have to spend the next few days making amends.

It is clear to me that the people who had the foresight to devote extra primary resources to the Congressional districts that elected an uneven number of Convention delegates also had the foresight to know what they needed to do on Friday night.

And then they had a candidate with the discipline to do exactly what he needed to. Even when the Other Guy was calling him names. And even when most of us would have lost our temper--and maybe, along with it, the election.  
