A Half Trillion Dollars Doesn't Go As Far As It Used To

By: Josh
Published On: 2/2/2006 2:00:00 AM

Today, President Bush asked congress for an additional $70 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan.  The total already spent totals more than $240 Billion.  Modest estimates project that the US could spend over a half a TRILLION dollars before operations end.  Some estimates are 4 to 6 times as high.  Wasn't Iraqi oil supposed to pay for this misadventure? 

Yesterday the US Congress voted to cut  Medicaid and student loans as only part of their plan to pay for Iraq.  Meanwhile, Congress ignores countless cases of fraud and lost funds.  One report last summer said that $8.8 billion was simply lost in Iraq.  No-bid contractors reap the profits, while failing to deliver for the Iraqi people and failing to meet the expectations of the United States. 

Why isn't the Federal Government more like Virginia?

As Tim Kaine balances the responsibility of fiscal needs with the needs of Virginia?s citizens, our Federal government exhibits the spending restraint of a heroin addict in need of a quick fix.  In Virginia, government means funding your expenditures, and taking care of your responsibilites.  In Washington, government means funding your campaign contributors while underfunding the troops and the American people.

Instead of addressing waste, the Republican congress borrows money from future generations while giving back only to the super-rich.  The Bush tax cuts for wealthy Americans are set to expire in the years to come, which would alleviate some of these financial pressures.  Nonetheless, congress continues the drive to make them permanent.

As our federal treasury hemorrhages dollars, our returning troops suffer with fewer federal benefits.  Our citizens suffer with rising costs of tuition and Medicaid.  The federal government is not picking up any slack.  They won?t stop their spending habit or their oil dependency.  Oil dependency was the reason for the War in Iraq.  In his State of the Union Address, the President called for 75% less oil from the Middle-East.  A quick call from the Saudis neutralized that.  Now the White House is saying the President ?didn't mean it literally?.

There is only one thing we can do here in Virginia.  We must elect Progressive Democrats to national office.  Georgetown Professor, Judy Feder recently announced her candidacy against Frank Wolf in the 10th.  Progressive Democrats such as Al Weed, Sean O?Donnell, David Ashe and Andy Hurst are vying for seats across Virginia.  We have to take our country back now to protect the people of Virginia.  If we don?t, billions of dollars will be spent without oversight or accountability.

We need tough-minded Progressives to defeat spendthrift Republicans.  Otherwise, they will continue sacrificing our futures to pay for their failures. 

[UPDATE: Looks like he's asking for $120 Billion more.  I guess they'll have to keep a few more students out of college and a give healthcare to less sick people. 

Well, at least the Virginia poor tax will leave 871 Virginia Millionaires with some free cash for their kids' trust funds.  If their daughters are stupid and horny like Paris Hilton, the internet may get some more trustfund whore porn.  Just what Virginia needs, ignorant children, decaying roads, and trustfund whore porn.  A red-letter day indeed.]

[Written by Josh and Dan]
