CEOs Are Captains of Their Ships.

By: relawson
Published On: 9/20/2008 12:00:17 PM

And any Captain with any ounce of loyalty to his ship and his crew will be the last one off the ship.  He would go down with that ship before kicking anyone else out of the liferaft.

That is honor.

CEOs of many corporations are dishonorable men and women.  They run their corporations into the ground, and then bail with millions in stock options and golden parachutes.

We need to bring honor to Wall Street.  They could learn a thing or two from captains of the sea, who have thousands of years of rich history and a culture of honor.  

When Congress goes about bailing out these failed corporations - victims of their own excess - we need to hold accountable those who dishonored themselves.  That means no golden parachutes and million dollar retirement packages.  

We the tax payers should hold our government accountable for our tax dollars, and expect a return on our investment - if there is no return it is a bad investment.

And beyond this short term fix, we need to fix the fundemental problems.  That means regulation.  Wall Street has proven (once again) that they can't be trusted to do the right thing.

If you are watching FOX News Channel right now they have lined up pundits all calling for more free trade agreements and LESS regulation.  Shamefull.  Dishonorable.  These are the men who would not go down with their ships.
